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11. BMCE银行 优雅的建筑设计欣赏

    一如既往的优雅     [page] BMCE Bank Branches Morocco 2007 – 2011   Foster + Partners Team Norman Foster David Nelson Stefan Behling Michael Jones Kate Murphy Ingrid Solken Tommaso Franchi Charles Di Piazza Lara Thresher Giuseppe Gia...

/show-9338.html 2011-04-01

12. 专访MAD建筑事务所实习生及作品赏析 乌苏拉凯泽

...R DESREE Nationality: AUSTRIA Email:ursula_kaiser@hotmail.com  [page] Who is your favourite Architect and why? I'm not fixed to one particular architect as my favourite. I like different architects for different reasons. I like the structural patterns in the architecture designed by He...

/show-9411.html 2011-04-06

13. 堪称艺术品的室内设计 第五大道公寓

...黄金的地段。这里有一个堪称艺术品的室内设计作品。 [page] building vanishes. In its place is the apartment’s luminous entry foyer, a space both minimal and expansive, precise yet gently pulling open at the edges. A plane of mirror- polished stainless steel floats in...

/show-11502.html 2011-07-11

14. 广岛系列家具欣赏 超越Y椅子的设计

    [page] Designer: Naoto Fukasawa Photography: Yoneo Kawabe    [page]  "What you get is something akin to the firmness, the relative resilience, of Sanuki udon”. It was these words uttered by Naoto Fukasawa in conversation that inspired me. He explain...

/show-11495.html 2011-07-11

15. 三亚时代海岸别墅设计 黄志达作品欣赏

...将户外风景尽收眼底之余,同时又增添亚热带的风格。 [page] (波光粼粼的池水,一望无际的蓝天,既是在看风景,也在风景中) (原木,空间的质感,利索的规划,给人舒展而放松的感受) 原木的质感与其所散发出来...

/show-11358.html 2011-06-16

16. 常用外贸术语大全(三)

... FIO是FREE IN AND OUT的意思,指船公司不付装船和卸船费用 [page] FIOST条款,指船公司不负责装,卸,平舱,理舱 FI是FREE IN的意思,指船公司不付装 FO是FREE OUT的意思,同理指船公司不付卸 G组 GRI 综合费率上涨附加费,一般是南美...

/show-8321.html 2011-03-18

17. 钢铁博物馆 Museum of Steel

...Paul Riveria / Archphoto Abigail Guzman Tamex /Grafix James Lord  [page]    In 1986, the city of Monterrey, Mexico reclaimed an expansive 1.5 hectare brownfield site of a former steel production facility. Eleven years later, the site’s decommissioned blast furnace emerged as...

/show-11565.html 2011-07-15

18. 夸奖外国客户英语大集锦

...  Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。[page]     Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。     Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。     Highly-motivated and reliable p...

/show-8309.html 2011-03-18

19. 深圳宝安碧海片区商业岛、商务岛城市设计国际咨询公告

...red, any logos or marks showing designers shall be free from cover, inside pages or picture in the proposal. 8、日程安排 8、 Schedule (1)有意应征单位将全部资格预审资料,于(北京时间,以下皆同)2010年 9 月21 日17:00点之前提交到指定地址。 ...

/show-5037.html 2011-01-14

20. 让人流连忘返的疗养院 Rehabilitation Centre Groot Klimmendaal

...施与社区共享。 非常棒的医疗建筑。     [page] Park In the undulating forest landscape around Arnhem in the eastern part of the Netherlands, revalidation centre ‘Groot Klimmendaal’ can be found standing as a quiet deer in between trees. From a smal...

/show-9337.html 2011-04-20