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building vanishes. In its place is the apartment’s luminous entry foyer, a space both

minimal and expansive, precise yet gently pulling open at the edges. A plane of mirror-
polished stainless steel floats in a halo of light above the vestibule, not touching any of
the white walls. As if levitated, the reflective metal sheet gives the entry unfathomable
height and lucidity. Just ahead, a freestanding wall pulls away from the corners, letting
space flow around it, while underfoot, hand-troweled, pewter-gray concrete continues
seamlessly into the main room.
Once a dim warren of spaces, severed long ago from a larger unit, the apartment now breathes,
open to light and views. Its 1,500 square feet, distilled to an essence, propose a quiet
dialogue with the owners’ Minimalist art and early 20th century Modernist furniture—
including work by Donald Judd and Le Corbusier—and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA),
across the street.
 Deep window surrounds—large-scale frames rendered in mirror-polished stainless steel with
whimsically elongated, mitered corners—now amplify views out. These shining borders recall
the gilded frames of old-master paintings. Seemingly dematerializing solid wall, these
reflective-steel margins are also like periscopes, bringing inside glimmers of sky, pavement
and long vistas up and down the avenue. From some angles, the faceted mirrors produce an
almost kaleidoscopic multiplicity; from others, they recall the visual complexity of Cubist
collages, deconstructing their subjects. But most of all, these edges magnify and open the
space, balancing the luminous ambiguity between transparency and reflection.
While the window frames transform views over MMA’s rooftop into virtual works of art, the
otherwise spare and loft-like interior serenely sets forth the owners’ exceptional
Minimalist collections. The apartment now consists of two main rooms—a combined kitchen-
dining-living area and a bedroom—each with a single low, freestanding cabinet: a sleek
rectangular object concealing functional elements, while delineating separate areas within
the larger space. Just as the smooth floors are honed from neutral, almost utilitarian
materials, these cabinets are finely crafted from exposed apple plywood. In the main living
area, the credenza—its top plane floating above a wide reveal—houses kitchen functions
within a single, long volume. Free from such distractions as visible hardware, it is as
understated and self-confident as a purist sculpture. Even the bathrooms, partially enclosed
in translucent glass, read as discrete, ethereal forms.
 Once a fragment of a larger apartment, this interior gracefully transcends the mundane,
achieving wholeness and spaciousness across seemingly weightless borders. Here, the vivid
yellow painting by Ludio Fontana, the thirty Agnes Martin prints (remarkably hand-framed by
Donald Judd), the tri-tone desk by Jean Prouvé and the entire collection not only breathe,
but also sing—in a quietly resounding, unmistakably Minimalist voice.
这个大公寓的内装设计,超越了世俗装修,非常优雅,整体,还带点失重感。空间中生动的Ludio Fontana所画的黄色油画,Thirty Agnes Martin画的版画(框子是Donald Judd手工做的),还有Jean Prouvé的桌子,与整体混合形成一幅生动的景象,就像是一曲洪亮,明晰,极简派的旋律。