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1. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-H

...充中)-H [ H ] 哈比丝卡丝红 Habiscuss [ H ] 海珊瑚 Hassan Green [ H ] 海洋白 White Marine [ H ] 海洋白砂石 Sea White [ H ] 海洋绿 Ocean Green 或 OceanGreen(India) 或 Verde Marina [ H ] 汉白玉 White Marble [ H ] 杭灰 Hang Grey [ H ] 蚝珠黑 Oyster Pear...

/show-8492.html 2011-03-23

2. 无处不在的家装之厨房篇

...以如此有生命力! [page] Arthur Court Grape Cheese Knife with Green Marble [page] 杵槽 [page] 杵槽 [page] 箸架 [page] 奶酪板 [page] 砧板 [page] 餐刀 杵槽 面点辊 醒酒器 擀面杖 擀面杖 石板盘 石板盘 石板盘 砧板 ...

/show-4366.html 2011-01-12

3. 伦敦自行车棚设计竞赛决赛名单与作品公布

...r Bankside公司和欧盟的“精明绿色商业基金”(Smart Green Business)的支持,获胜的一个方案将于5月份建造,为将来的全面铺开作准备。 [page] [page] [page]

/show-11325.html 2011-06-02

4. 钢铁博物馆 Museum of Steel

...f on-site materials  with ecological restoration through the use of green technologies.   All of the storm water runoff within the site’s boundaries is treated in a series of on-site treatment runnels. These surround the exhibition areas and reinterpret the former industrial canals ...

/show-11565.html 2011-07-15

5. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:A Cradle to Cradle Inspired

...cess to the region and beyond through air, rail, bus, and bicycle routes. Green zones, urban plazas, public gardens and canal boardwalks within Park 20|20 encourage a connection to the larger community. Each building’s size and massing is optimized for solar orientation so that these exteri...

/show-9031.html 2011-05-16

6. 陶瓷应用于建筑的典范 西班牙小学

...ded on the north by a football pitch, on the east by Silici Street, by a green area on the south and by the Ronda de Dalt de Barcelona on the west.    All of the school’s support facilities – dining hall, kitchen, gymnasium, changing rooms, teching rooms and staff room ...

/show-11400.html 2011-06-16

7. 石材术语中英文对照

... 孔(窿)石 Travertine 2.颜色 米色Beige 黑色 Black 蓝色 Green 棕色 Brown 灰色 Gray 红色 Red 白色 White 黄色 Yellow 金色 Golden 3.产品种类 荒料 Block 板材 Slab 工程板 Cut-to-size 风水球 Fortune (Fountain/Fengshui) Ball 石线 Stone Bor...

/show-8317.html 2011-03-18

8. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:(TRID)总体规划

...th two rail stations, as well as providing new opportunities for community greening initiatives.   Introduction Since the expansion of the nation's highway system, public transit has often been relegated to the margins of policy, funding and design. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a...

/show-9033.html 2011-05-16

9. 创意书架设计欣赏

...回收的 翻卷书架(Rolling Shelf),设计者:Catherine Greene 磁铁书架(Magnetique Shelf),设计者:Nils Holger Moorma固定在墙上的是铁,吸铁石在书柜上。 [page] 隐形书架?(Sticklebook )非常有创意,利用波纹状将书页夹住,...

/show-15397.html 2011-09-08

10. 石材品种中日文对照

...ニー  [page]   海洋绿   トロヒカルグリー   tropical green 印度欧罗拉   インドオロラー     DAS   インドシラー     中国枫叶红   中国カパオ     巴西枫叶红   カパオボニート     津巴布黑   ジンドブ...

/show-8362.html 2011-03-23