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111. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 52 寸液晶显示屏电视

...ictures, but through the high performance of its innovative sound system a new and enriching sound experience. The harmonious balance between a straightforward design and technologically innovative elements has caused an LCD TV to emerge that manages to consistently align the art of living with the ...

/show-10394.html 2011-05-16

112. 2010红点获奖作品 丹麦Velux太阳隧道

...g concept that not only makes use of a natural resource, but also offers a new approach to the experience of sunlight; for its designer, Ross Lovegrove, it constitutes “…a contemporary interface between the tunnel of light and the interior design of living spaces.” With a design m...

/show-10454.html 2011-05-16

113. 2010红点奖办公用品类 挪威Tandberg performance mic 20 麦克风

...cation partner by offering very clear sound quality, and it thus creates a new space for the experience of virtual communication. As a broadband table microphone it takes into account the specific acoustics of the conference room. External factors, such as microphone placement, the distance to parti...

/show-10483.html 2011-05-16

114. 白色极简颠覆传统四合院

...享酒店。   酒店开业时间不长,3+1 BEDROOMS已经被《New York Times》、《Wallpaper》等多家权威媒体报道采访,所以手拿杂志不远千里来此体验的顾客不少。可惜酒店只有4个房间,曹长毅不得不经常推掉一些看着杂志慕名而来的...

/show-17741.html 2011-11-16

115. "设计即人"打造"分布式空间"--斐雪派克引领奢侈家电

...级奢华厨电品牌,自2010年5月23日进入中国,推广“The New Language of Luxury”的品牌理念,为整个设计及地产界带来一股新风。   不同于其他厨电产品,斐雪派克在设计中使用的抽屉式、模块化元素,打破厨房与厨电的界...

/show-18758.html 2011-11-23

116. 2010红点获奖作品 Vanguard Alta Pro Tripod 2 鹰眼三角架2

...et precise movement – to facilitate shooting photographs that reveal new angles to the viewer. 这一款三脚架的设计构思在于,它可以让使用者自由地调节摄影角度,从0度到130度之间,无论是直立还是水平的姿势,或者是任何一个转角。它的机...

/show-10398.html 2011-05-16

117. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 iPod shuffle

...Gaga to Gossip, contemporary music culture is manifold, and both stars and newcomers are aware that their success is based on the numbers of downloads and thus how often fans listen to their songs. The design of the current iPod shuffle thus further develops this medium, which is central to this mus...

/show-10388.html 2011-05-16

118. 让人流连忘返的疗养院 Rehabilitation Centre Groot Klimmendaal

...ase runs the full internal height of the building and is typical for the new integral way of working.   It facilitates a direct route between the different floors but also enables a variety of alternative routes roaming the building and thus forms an invitation to undertake physical exer...

/show-9337.html 2011-04-20

119. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 阿达莫的XPS笔记本

...in an deal workplace position as for instance when travelling. An entirely new kind of user experience is achieved through the way in which this exclusive notebook is opened: a touch-sensitive latch in the lid registers when the user swipes over it with the finger or hand and immediately pops it ope...

/show-10379.html 2011-05-16

120. 2010红点获奖作品 Honda EU 30i Generator 2 (本田EU 30i发电机2)

...r builds up an electrostatic charge that can be put to use. The search for new power sources and possibilities for generating electricity from then on inspired crowds of scientists to investigate in this direction. Today electricity flows almost everywhere around the globe, and without it civilisati...

/show-10403.html 2011-05-16