2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 52 寸液晶显示屏电视
red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best
The art of entertainment
“The art of living is the art of leaving out the right things,” was one of the mottos of French fashion designer Coco Chanel. Her creations were marked by a highly simplistic and expensive elegance that showcased clarity of lines and an exclusive choice of only the highest-quality materials. The self-sufficiency, which underlies the design of the Reference 52 system, follows a similar concept and it has resulted in an LCD TV that is skilfully focused on the essential, yet imparts a highly distinctive and impressive design appearance. Its overall straightforward proportions make it look almost like a spatial sculpture. The demands towards timelessness and durability are realised through its purist language of form and the choice of high-quality materials which are pleasing to the touch, paired with a build of high workmanship quality. Another central aspect of its innovative design is that the compact housing measures only 60 mm in depth, yet accommodates an extensive range of home entertainment functions, including receiver and recorder, all in one unit. Incorporating a forward-thinking multimedia concept, the device integrates receivers for DVB-T, DVB-C and DVB-S, including HDTV reception, as well as an installed hard disk recorder, all of which can be operated comfortably via its one single remote control. With its quality of design and sophistication of technology, this device delivers not only crystal clear high-definition pictures, but through the high performance of its innovative sound system a new and enriching sound experience. The harmonious balance between a straightforward design and technologically innovative elements has caused an LCD TV to emerge that manages to consistently align the art of living with the art of good entertainment.
受到香奈儿的设计理念影响,设计师更倾向于优雅大方的设计。它的厚度只有60毫米,它比例均衡,线条简洁,特别有现代感。整套设备包括DVB-T DVB-C DVB-S 接受器,包括高清设备接收器,所有的设备都可以通过一个遥控器来遥控操作。
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