2010红点获奖作品 创维Skyworth ACP 42E11 LED Bckelight TV
red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best
创维- RGB电子有限公司,中国
Human factor – designing user experience
In “Nicomachean Ethics”, a philosophical discussion of virtues and the rational skills of the human being, the ancient Greek scholar Aristotle claims that the desiring part of the human soul must be in harmony with the rational part in order for actions to be “tempered” and not impaired. If this is translated into the design of a product, it means this: the Skyworth_ACP_42E11 TV features an emotional product aesthetic but adjusts itself to the actual living environments of modern users. The screen of this television is slim and reduced in design appearance; its language of form makes it blend in with the environment. And, in order to lend it an image quality that looks equally pure, the entire front cover is formed from one single piece of black anti-glare glass. Reducing the thickness of the screen was achieved by integrating into it a thin LED backlight panel for the de-laminating and colour contrast controls. An interesting, modular aspect of this television is the fact that the sound box can be disconnected from the screen: when hanging on the wall, the base can be set apart as an independent speaker, thus allowing it to be used according to individual preferences. Furthermore, the television invites users to emotionally relate to it as it seemingly reacts to its environment: equipped with a “human perceptron”, an internal human-like neural network, the television “recognises” when nobody is in the induction range. The screen then switches into energy-saving stand-by mode but with the sound on. With this innovative and self-contained ability to react to changes in its surroundings, the design of this television places the human being at the centre of his living environment – this specifically human centredness, the “human factor” design principle, is disclosed in the device’s daily use.
创维Skyworth ACP 42E11 LED Bckelight TV
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