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red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best
制造商:Tandberg, Norway
设计:TANDBERG Design Team (Glenn Robert Grimsrud Aarrestad), Norway
挪威Tandberg performance mic 20 麦克风
Tandberg performance mic 20是一款宽频嵌合式麦克风。它有一个四方形的铝质外壳,非常的轻盈。它外观优雅简单,置放于桌面显得很和谐。它的外周设备MIC20有着完美的效果,可为会议室提供明晰的音质。它的控制板上还集合了静音开关及两种LED模式,使得它的操作变得简单。
A pleasant conversation partner
In our globalised world, videoconferencing offers itself as a good “place“ to virtually meet with people without having to travel long distances. An important aspect in this kind of encounter is, however, that human communication is highly complex – nonverbal communication, such as minimal changes in voice pitch, is also important in such communication encounters as they often modify meaning. Against this backdrop the Performance Mic 20 is able to improve the acoustic presence of the digital communication partner by offering very clear sound quality, and it thus creates a new space for the experience of virtual communication. As a broadband table microphone it takes into account the specific acoustics of the conference room. External factors, such as microphone placement, the distance to participants as well as the individual perceptibility of the sound for the participants, were important design considerations. This microphone is very light and comes in a square aluminium housing, lending it an elegant yet unobtrusive appearance when placed on a table. A wave-shaped design element however makes its function unambiguously clear: it picks up the sound of spoken words from all directions to facilitate the best possible communication. The Performance Mic 20 therefore does without superfluous technical details: it is intuitive to use and its functions are self-explanatory. The mute switch, which is integrated into the control panel, as well as a double mode LED display that informs participants about the microphone status are easy to use and helpful during conferences. Due to its elegant and highly functional design as well as its sound quality it turns into a pleasant “communication partner” – it moderates and invites people to take part in targeted communication.
