red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best
制造商:Humanscale, USA
设计:Niels Diffrient, USA
An office chameleon
It registers immediately if there are any changes in its surroundings. The chameleon is one of the few animals that is able to change its skin colour to blend in with its surroundings or changes colour according to mood – being able to adjust naturally to varying living conditions gives this species many advantages in its specific habitat. The principle of individual adjustment is also implied in the design of the Diffrient World office chair, which adjusts automatically to every user. The adjustment works via patented form-sensing mesh in the backrest and innovative recline action that functions without a mechanism. The intelligent design “reacts” to weight and provides ideal resistance and support for each specific sitter while contouring itself to the shape of the body. Based on a sophisticated interplay between ergonomics, technology and material, this chair thus delivers a highly individualised experience for the user. Due to its mesh backrest the Diffrient World office chair gains an appearance of transparency and lightness; the shell features a harmonious design with clear radii that invite users in a friendly manner to sit down in comfort. Another novel and trend-setting aspect of this chair is that it uses roughly half the material of other task chairs, which aims at sustainability and long-lasting durability. Made of only eight major parts and weighing just 25 pounds, it is less complex in its design and reduces the chances of malfunction due to heavy everyday use. Living with this chair is a highly personal and exciting experience of the symbiosis between user and material – an adaptation that solely focuses on being serviceable to its users.
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