2010红点获奖作品 Honda EU 30i Generator 2 (本田EU 30i发电机2)
red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best
Compact supply
Amber, which in Greek was “electron”, had already revealed its secret to the scholars of antiquity: when rubbed briskly, amber builds up an electrostatic charge that can be put to use. The search for new power sources and possibilities for generating electricity from then on inspired crowds of scientists to investigate in this direction. Today electricity flows almost everywhere around the globe, and without it civilisation would have been unthinkable – yet there are many places that are cut off from reliable power networks, such as secluded areas and outdoor terrain, where mobile generators are used to bridge this gap in supply. The Honda EU 30i is such a device, with an innovative and highly compact design of well thought-out and user-friendly functionality. Due to its fully sealed plastic body this generator is conveniently quiet. The material is robust and assures a low weight of just 35 kg. Featuring big wheels and an ergonomic carry handle that folds into its side, this generator is very easy to manoeuvre and allows comfortable loading and transportation. Providing intuitive operability, the device is easy to maintain and handle: all operation elements and outlets are jointly located in the illuminated front panel so that the unit can be easily controlled, even in the dark. As additional technical feature an eco throttle control assures low consumption as well as little noise. Furthermore, the voltage output and frequency are stable at all times, which is important when connecting sensitive electronic equipment such as laptops and TVs. With its design, the Honda EU 30i generator redefines the art of such devices – towards a versatile power supply that aestheticises the way in which energy is sourced.
本田EU 30i发电机非常实用,它封闭的塑料机身保证了它的静音功能,让你拥有一个轻松惬意的工作环境。它的制作材料坚固耐用,机身轻便,仅有35公斤。它的轮子很大,手柄可以叠放到机身旁,这使得它不仅容易操作,还更便于装载和运输。它有带节能功能的节流系统。电压的输出和电频在任何时候都能保持稳定性,这是一项很重要的保障,尤其是当你连接笔记本电脑和电脑一类的电子产品时。它还便于操作和维护,因为所有的操作系统和按钮都处于前方带有光源的嵌板中,即使你处在黑暗中,也可以控制机器。
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