2010红点获奖作品 Fiskars X范围轴
red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best
Well handled – design and the interpretation of a tool
The axe is one of oldest tools known to mankind. In 1999, near Lake Zug in Switzerland, an axe of the Chassey-Lagozza-Cortaillod culture was found, showing how ergonomic these tools had already become 3,000 years ago. The skills needed to forge a good axe over the open fire and hammer it into shape, was an ability that blacksmiths in later years too acquired only after long years of training, and there were real masters of the art whose expertise was highly sought after. The X Range axes are designed with enhanced blade geometry, which has improved the functionality of the tool. The outcome of a long process, the weight of the head and shaft of these axes was balanced until it reached the best possible distribution to ensure that it rests comfortably in the hand for the most efficient use. Efficiency and safety are matters of great concern when working with an axe to chop firewood, for example, and so the design of the blade too has been retouched. The axes of this series feature a convex-shaped and double-hardened blade; the blade is safe from fracture and its rounded edges ensure easy removal from the log when splitting wood. An additional aspect that makes these axes easy to handle is their ergonomically shaped handle: with their innovative surface structure, these anti-shock handles absorb grip friction when chopping wood and thus ensure a firm and comfortable feel. The safety aspect is further augmented by the hook-shaped end of the handle, which prevent the hands from slipping and thus protects against accidents. In addition, the axes come with a sheath which simultaneously serves as a carrying grip and facilitates easy handling and protection of the blade – a tool that has always been important to mankind thus turns into a true experience of functionality and ergonomics.
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