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1. 沙特采购商接受青岛国际石材展展报采访

...ase on building materials in construction ,such as stone,wooden door,floor,window,building machine and smart house.      记者:您以前参加过我们的展会吗,你对青岛的印象如何? Sofia:Have you ever been to our fair before?how’s your impression in Qin...

/show-3541.html 2011-01-12

2. 堪称艺术品的室内设计 第五大道公寓

...litan Museum of Art (MMA), across the street.  [page]  Deep window surrounds—large-scale frames rendered in mirror-polished stainless steel with whimsically elongated, mitered corners—now amplify views out. These shining borders recall the gilded frames of old-master pai...

/show-11502.html 2011-07-11

3. 德国红点设计大奖 非凡创意室内装修

...er unique and well-conceived feature is the decorative panels for the side windows. The panels protect walls and furniture from direct radiant heat and create evocative shadow figures on the walls. In order to give the experience of true open fire, the wood-burning stove has been designed with large...

/show-1220.html 2011-05-16

4. 5月北京设计师沙龙——发现光的价值

...tio and Sales as the start, and afterwards, for the last 17+ years, in the window covering market where he is currently the Global Product Manager for 3G Mermet Corporatoin. Ken is currently developing new and iovative solar scree that will incorporate new “greener” cutting edge technolo...

/show-17142.html 2011-11-07

5. 拉马特甘幼儿园 ramat gan kindergarten

...a house, a hiding place, a play station; the other is a wooden house with windows and a red roof, which one may enter to play, surrounded by bookcases modeled as evergreen trees. Together, all these elements generate an experiential setting which prompts the child to use his/her imagination via ...

/show-11339.html 2011-06-02

6. 建筑大师伯纳德·屈米作品--竹语

...everything in the unit is made of bamboo, including most floors, ceilings, window coverings, furnishings, and most kitchen and bathroom appliances. We have also designed two new space-dividing systems, both made of bamboo: one is a folding partition that expands from a central node to create walls a...

/show-4798.html 2010-08-12

7. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

...s out over 17th Street, providing shade for the performance hall’s window below. On the west side of building a covered walkway leads to the adjoining Pennsylvania Avenue Garage, which is illuminated at night with LED lighting. [page] Atrium: The six-story high, glass-fronted atrium...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

8. 悬崖上的住宅设计 日本东京住宅

... The inclining roof creates an attic like space on the second floor. The window on the roof shuts out sights from outside but gives a view of the trees. In the middle floor we did not create any windows and made it into a large storage space. The roof, which is like an extent of the cliff, give...

/show-11401.html 2011-06-16

9. 伯纳德·屈米(BERNARD TSCHUMI):“竹语”作品

...everything in the unit is made of bamboo, including most floors, ceilings, window coverings, furnishings, and most kitchen and bathroom appliances.   We have also designed two new space-dividing systems, both made of bamboo: one is a folding partition that expands from a central node to create...

/show-15229.html 2011-09-08

10. 墓园中的咖啡馆 石材玻璃的经典工程

...his finds expression in silver-glazed timber surfaces, oxidised aluminium windows, and greenish-coloured glazing. [page]    迪伦镇东部的墓园已开放成为公共公园,咖啡厅就位于这里。墓园曾经举行过大大小小的葬礼,期望这个新的咖啡厅成为...

/show-11566.html 2011-07-15