... 废弃物的华丽再利用Appreciation towards Emiliano Godoy for providing the following description: 这是一款非常环保的椅子。椅子结构是由PSC认证的木材构成。椅子外面那层皮是由废弃的糖纸包装做成。这些糖纸包装因为印刷错误,标签不正确...
/show-11306.html 2011-05-30
House in Minami Boso是坐落在日本Peninsula半岛南边海岸的一座私人别墅,面向着一望无际的太平洋。白色的House in Minami Boso远看就像由一块板折叠而成,这样的设计不仅简洁大方,而且也使建筑的上下两层都能透过落地玻璃窗门...
/show-3460.html 2010-06-21
House in Minami Boso是坐落在日本Peniula半岛南边海岸的一座私人别墅,面向着一望无际的太平洋。白色的House in Minami Boso远看就像由一块板折叠而成,这样的设计不仅简洁大方,而且也使建筑的上下两层都能透过落地玻璃窗门得...
/show-13012.html 2013-04-24
... product design 2003 The table program 010 was designed in co-operation between Dieter Rams and Thomas Merkel. The system consists of a high and a low table. When you place the low below the high table, lateral pockets arise, in which you can put newspapers and magazines. When you...
/show-1163.html 2011-05-16
...iF奖齐名的一个工业设计大奖。以下获奖设计作品中,Blobina Seat 绚烂夺目,舒适无比;Blofield携带轻便,一椅多用;Coco Upholstery卓尔不群,时尚典雅;Cornice Closet System 美观实用。 一、Blobina Seat red dot red dot award: product design 20...
/show-1023.html 2011-05-16
...麦 The metamorphosis of the spiral The spiral can be found everywhere in nature, in both animate and inanimate objects. An outstanding example is the shell of the marine creature called Nautilus, but fern leaves too first wind around the stem in a spiral shape, before growing further to unfold. J...
/show-10401.html 2011-05-16
International Consultation Invitation on Urban Design of The Coastal Zone of the Central District in Baoan.Shenzhen 1.项目背景 1.Background 宝安中心区包括滨海片区和碧海片区,与南山前海、后海共同组成深圳城市双中心之一——前海中心。本...
/show-19542.html 2012-03-08
...,尽在德国红点奖获奖作品大盘点! 一、One Chair Stacking Chair red dot red dot award: product design 2008 The One Chair is a lightweight stacking chair expressing a feathery and elegantly curved stylistic language. The combination of design and construction is innovati...
/show-1047.html 2011-05-16
...可以根据家居的颜色而选择搭配。 The metaphysics of the new In famous libraries such as the British Library in London, stepstools are an important element of the inventory; if it was not for them visitors would not be able to reach up to the books on the uppermost shelves. In private ...
/show-10461.html 2011-05-16
...片授权gooood发行。 Appreciation towards Sarit Shani Hay for providing the following description: ramat gan kindergarten占地100平方米,周围是广袤的菜地。里面有两个教室,一个是1.5—2.5岁年龄组的小班,一个是2.5—3.5岁年龄组的大班。 设...
/show-11339.html 2011-06-02