...axb/((c+拼缝)X(d+拼缝))×(1+损耗率) 3、地板铺贴 板基层、面层m2=a×b 所需地板数量估算=a/c×b/d(不能整除向上取整,考虑5%损耗) 所需地板数量(块)细算=axb/(cXd)×(1+损...
/show-6736.html 2011-02-28
...种钢板用200×200×8镀锌板,主龙骨用80×60×3钢管,次龙骨用L50×5的角钢4㎜厚石材卡条聚乙烯发泡填料。 (2)机具及工具准备:电焊机、金属切割机、油压冲击钻、台钻、云石切割机、磨光机、台锯、#10铁丝...
/show-2582.html 2010-05-20
... the birth of a new form, such as the Thonet coffee house chair from the 1930s whose design became possible through a new production technique of bending wood. The chair CH04 Houdini by e15 is yet another expression of the design possibilities that emerge when wood as a material is reinterpreted and...
/show-10459.html 2011-05-16
...德国B公司签订了一份出口地毯的合同,合同总价值为USD31346.86,装运港为中国郑州,目的地为德国法兰克福,收货人为B 公司,付款条件为D/P30天。 1998年12月20日,A公司按照合同的要求备齐货物,从郑州港空运至德国法兰克福。...
/show-3603.html 2010-06-23
...ain. SCHEME DATE: 2007. ON SITE: July 2009 - September 2010 GROSS AREA: 3.448,71 m2 CONSTRUCTION COST: 6.101.437’23€ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: CONSTRUCTORA SAN JOSÉ OTHERS COLLABORATORS: Xavier Aumedes, technical architect. Economic consultancy. Luís Alfredo Rodrí...
/show-11400.html 2011-06-16
...otates the pad in a circular fashion over the stone, generally between 150-300 RPM. Polishing formulations containing micro-fine abrasive materials are used with buffing to produce a more reflective gloss on the surface of stone. Waxes are also used with buffing to enhance the gloss of polished ston...
/show-2089.html 2010-05-06
...用一般水泥。 1.2 砂:使用无污染之砂。 1.3 水泥安定粉:底层每使用一包50kg水泥,皆须均匀添加2kg龙爪粉。 1.4 水泥泼浆水:面层每使用一包50kg水泥,皆须均匀添加1kg龙爪水。 1.5 水泥介面胶:抛光...
/show-2269.html 2011-05-18
...通则、定义、符号和图样表示(eqv ISO1101:1996) GB/T1800.3-1998极限与配合基础第3部分:标准公差和基本偏差数值表(eqv LSO286:1998) GB/T1801-1999极限与配合公差带和配合的选择(eqv ISO1829:1975) GB/T2828-1987逐批检查计算抽样程序...
/show-651.html 2010-04-19
/show-21532.html 2013-06-24
...切割、磨光或抛光、倒棱倒角、开槽、拓孔); (3)花岗石幕墙预埋件安装; (4)花岗石幕墙龙骨安装; (5)花岗石幕墙防雷装置安装; (6)花岗石幕墙防火带安装; (7)花岗石幕墙板材安装;...
/show-775.html 2010-04-19