...:Suppose建筑设计工作室 摄影:Toshiyuki Yano(Nacasa & Partners Inc) 人类的第一个居所,并不是现在所说的建筑,确切的说是“穴居”。在原始人类看来,向下挖一个坑比用结构在地面支撑起来一个房屋要安全的多,...
/show-16646.html 2011-11-03
MAD no doubt is one of the most recognized architectural practices in China and worldwide. Every year, MAD receives countless job and internship applications. To be able to work at MAD will definitely enrich your career as even though the people working here might have been lucky, but are undeniab...
/show-9411.html 2011-04-06
Appreciation towards Joseph Walsh studio for providing the following description: [page] erosion In this series I have looked to emphasis the patterns of erosion as a form, the energy and the removal of material, the relationship between the original composition of mate...
/show-11301.html 2011-05-30
...精致的格调。跟我们一起去欣赏吧! 一、Blancoflow-IF Stainless Steel Sink Centre red dot red dot award: product design 2009 This stainless steel sink centre presents an appealingly symmetrical design language. Handcrafted and of superior quality, Blancoflow d...
/show-1444.html 2011-05-16
...ttribute of the stackable Lignum chair is its puristically delicate and refined appearance. It is made of solid beech that is either coated with natural substances or stained. It is available with or without armrests. The seat and back consist of three-dimensionally shaped plywood parts. Partial uph...
/show-1034.html 2011-05-16
...破传统的书房概念,将书房彻底融入生活,才是时尚的最in形态。现在,就开始点击一个个关键词,让你的书房LVUP! 个性书房 概念:新与旧的突破 传统的书房概念,就是一间四面朝墙的房子,虽然在格局以及书架的...
/show-12170.html 2011-08-13
...式,使得它的操作变得简单。 A pleasant conversation partner In our globalised world, videoconferencing offers itself as a good “place“ to virtually meet with people without having to travel long distances. An important aspect in this kind of encounter is, however, that huma...
/show-10483.html 2011-05-16
... 以下是采访正文: what is the best moment of the day? morning, I'd say, except when it rains (laughs). I usually wake up early rather than late, and mornings are very precious for me. I like the beginning of everything. the morning is the beginning of a day and I like to think o...
/show-9127.html 2011-03-30
文:陈哲 编辑:张森 图片提供:Tham&Videgard事务所 跟动物一起玩,在深林里住,这或许是未来的生活潮流之一。信息社会人口巨增,建筑无奈而霸道地侵占着城市日益减少的土地,各种环境、...
/show-16628.html 2011-11-03
...is to hold one’s breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It’s at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy…” This is how photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson described his work; he had a keen sense of cap...
/show-10398.html 2011-05-16