Appreciation towards Joseph Walsh studio for providing the following description:
In this series I have looked to emphasis the patterns of erosion as a form, the energy and the removal of material, the relationship between the original composition of material and the eroded form.
Erosion Low Table
Erosion Dining Table
In this series of work I have stripped wood into thin layers, manipulating and reconstructing these layers into free form compositions. I then shape through the layers to reveal not alone the honesty of the structure but the sculpted form which is a unique collaboration between man and material.
Enignum Dining Table
Enignum II Chair
Enignim Canopy Bed
Biography - Joseph Walsh
Joseph Walsh founded his Studio in 1999 in Co Cork, Ireland. His experimentation with design and making began at an early age and he is self-taught. Over the years he has pushed the boundaries of working with wood resulting in a significant body of knowledge around the material and its potential. Walsh’s design approach stemmed from this intimacy with wood, the technique’s he had mastered and the combined potential to create structures and form. Today, this experience and fluency with techniques allows him to start at a more conceptual point and explore its many interpretations.
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