...Marble Zhongxi 木纹黄 Wood Yellow 贵州木纹米黄 Wooden Creamed-colored Of Guizhou 木纹皇 Wooden Yellow 木纹白 Wood-Grain White 木纹米黄 Wood-grain Yellow 贞丰木纹石 Woooden Stone of Zhenfeng 房山艾叶青 Wormwood Green Of Fandshan 五莲红 Wulian Red 武...
/show-4934.html 2010-08-24
...he absorption of foreign pigments or oils into the porous stone causing discoloration. Double color: Sometimes two different grain sizes occur in the same slab, giving the appearance of a double colour. Free lengths: i.e. lengths varying randomly while width is constant are also very attractive. C...
/show-2089.html 2010-05-06
...ovation, must be careful selection and attention to materials, finishings, color schemes, surfaces: all aects that contribute to characterizing the concept of luxury, as called for by the competition theme statement. Art. 2 竞赛评审 The jry will be composed of at least seven individuals, eac...
/show-16920.html 2011-11-07
...精湛而著称 famous for selected materials, novel designs, delightful colors and exquisite workmanship 以质优原料,尺寸齐全,品种花样繁多而著称 famous for high quality raw materials, full range of specifications and sizes, and great variety of designs and c...
/show-2266.html 2010-05-12
...Pages: 232 pp Size : 287x210 mm Cover: Hardback Characteristics: 580 color and b/w photos 建造革命:1980年以来的中国建筑 Building a Revolution: Chinese Architecture Since 1980 作者:薛求理 Charlie Q. L. Xue 出版:香港大学出版社 精装本 203 x 280mm 开本...
/show-15601.html 2011-09-19
...nes, incorporated with concrete images from the animal kingdom, a reduced color scheme to avoid clutter, and various textures imprinted into the wood furniture. The design comprises soft, hand-sewn objects befitting the users' young ages to ensure utmost safety, while also encouraging th...
/show-11339.html 2011-06-02
... commercial island and business island to be built up attract concentrated colorful high-end services in Eastern Pearl River Economic Development Area and western axis of Shenzhen’s urban development. The significance of Commercial Island and Business Island is highlighted. 碧海片区目...
/show-5037.html 2011-01-14
...ring the day and by the space’s 44 programmable, multi-directional colored lights at night. The entrance is distinguished by a white, wave-like canopy, and opens out onto the Mary and Howard Frank Plaza and the two-and-a-half acre Miami Beach SoundScape. A 650-square-foot LED light field...
/show-10760.html 2011-05-09
... the barren blocks leading to the Temple Station. Striping brightly colored bicycle lanes to physically mark the passage to the station reinforces this intervention. Creating civic space at the doorstep of each station—An extension of the plaza under the Temple Station is proposed to...
/show-9033.html 2011-05-16
...was an amazing photo report. I was very surprised about how the dresses, colors and their living style blend so well together. 若你对女人的服装有注意,会对哪些方面感兴趣? 我喜欢三宅一生。不仅限于女人,我喜欢他的关于如何做衣服的思考。先前...
/show-9127.html 2011-03-30