LIVING dash; LUXURY Conceptual Competition: ACCEIBLE LUXURY Coorzio P.M.I scarl, Agenzia Di Promozione del Mobile Imbottito (Agency for the Promotion of Upholstered Furniture), is holding a competition for young designers under 40 years of age. (publication drafted in accordance with the international regulatio developed in collaboration with ICOGRADA, ICSID, IFI; with the oorship of ADI - Aociazione italiana per il Disegno Industriale [Italian Industrial Design Aociation] dash; Tuscan Delegation) For some years now we have been experiencing a phenomenon that can only be defined as “acceible luxury&rdquo that is, a return to investment in tangible, traditional goods, with furnishings and the home in general taking first place. In line with this trend, the organizers are pleased to invite “under-40” designers and architects to participate in a conceptual competition addreing this interesting cultural and market reality. Art. 1 竞赛宗旨 Coorzio PMI hereby calls a contest for design of products for the home living area. The category includes numerous furnishing/decorating products, from the sofa, the principal point of reference, to an entire series of complements, from armchairs to rugs, from wall units to occasional furniture and tables to picture frames, lam, etc. The salient project elements, beyond iovation, must be careful selection and attention to materials, finishings, color schemes, surfaces: all aects that contribute to characterizing the concept of luxury, as called for by the competition theme statement. Art. 2 竞赛评审 The jry will be composed of at least seven individuals, each with voting rights: Denis Santachiara dash; Designer Philip Taylor dash; Fashion Coultant DDN dash; DDN magazine Carlo Bimbi dash; Designer dash; Vice-President of ADI Toscana Gianfranco Gualtierotti - Designer Alberto Mantellai - Pres. Coorzio P.M.I scarl Maimo Pucci dash; Piemme Group Giai Overi - CEO Mirabili e Formitalia Elisa Gradi dash; Gradi srl The decisio of the jury will be made by majority vote. The Chairman of the jury will be aointed by the jury members. The evaluative decisio of the jury will be final and made on the basis of discretional criteria established by subjects with technical expertise in the sector. Art. 3 竞赛承办 The trustee, charged with expediting mediation among promoters, jury, and competitors, is: P.M.I scarl Agenzia di Promozione del Mobile Imbottito Garibaldi 5 - 51100 Pistoia phone +39 0573 991728 - fax +39 0573 991740 REFERENT: Dr. Fabrizia Calvano Further information concerning participation in the competition may be requested from: Secretariat, .M.I scarl Art. 4 奖金 The total amount of the prize monies is &curreeuro 10.000,00 (ten thousand euro) To authors of the first three wiing projects will go: 1st prize euro 5,000.00 (five thousand euro) 2nd prize euro 3,000.00 (three thousand euro) 3rd prize euro 2,000.00 (two thousand euro) The authors of the first 10 selected projects will be invited to visit the production district The commiion will select 50 desig for dilay at a ecial competition exhibition Competition activities will include realization of several pre-competition prototypes. Should the competition conclude without a ranking and without wiers, due to there being no suitably meritorious projects, the jury may, at its final discretion, divide the prize money as it sees fit and distribute same among the designers whose projects it feels are worthy of ecial mention. The promoter hereby stipulates that the entire amount of the prize money be in any case distributed and that no recourse for (any) withholding provided for by law will be admitted.
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