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291. 艺术性仓库17C 西班牙建筑欣赏

... able to transcend the philosophical tradition of substance, at the same time it’s true that it is possible to find a non-contradictory tradition with substance that, by means of a non-restrictive exegesis, highlights the requirement of motion and novelty, action and processualism, funct...

/show-11402.html 2011-06-16

292. 建筑书籍介绍 林 盘

...his paper contains the following sections: First,Linpan emanated from the time of ancient Shu \'s civilization,developed the long settler history. The paper analysed and demonstrated the argument from geography,the ancient Shu civilization,Dujiangyan irrigation works and the settlers culture ...

/show-15587.html 2011-09-19

293. 世界屋顶花园的发展简史


/show-6373.html 2011-02-13

294. 外墙石材干挂技术交底


/show-4044.html 2010-07-05

295. 外贸课堂 交易磋商及其步骤

...PMENT USD 450 PER M/T CIF LONDON IRREVOCABLE SIGHT L/C REPLY HERE 20TH OUR TIME.)       也可由买方提出(Buying Offer),也称递盘(Bid)。 实务中常见由买方询盘后,卖方发盘,但也可以不经过询盘, 一方迳直发盘。   &nbs...

/show-1759.html 2010-04-20

296. 25位全球顶尖室内设计师访谈 直击大师手笔

...学会的会员。   My goal is to always achieve a comfortable and timeless design solution that never goes out of style. ——Grover Dear(我的目标永远是找到一个舒适、不受时间限制的设计方案,也就是说永远不会过时。) Grover Dear设计作品&md...

/show-11878.html 2011-08-15

297. 贸易课堂 国际贸易结算

...后对方立即付款,又称见票即付汇票。   远期汇票(time bill,usance bill)是在出票一定期限后或特定日期付款。在远期汇票中,记载一定的日期为到期日,于到期日付款的,为定期汇票,记载于出票日后一定期间付款的,为计...

/show-1774.html 2010-04-20

298. 石材外檐安装 外檐花岗石干挂施工工法

...若无计算书。主龙骨可采用8号槽钢,次龙骨可采用L50×5。但工程一般要求采用镀锌型钢。若工程造价不允许,采用普通的槽钢和角钢则必须用不少于3遍的红丹防锈漆进行防腐处理。 4.3.干挂配件 干挂配件指不镀钢膨胀螺...

/show-4069.html 2010-07-05

299. 石材机械导轨设计原则与加工工艺

...的规定,采用着色法进行检查,用接触面所占百分比或25×25(mm)面积内的接触点数来衡量。   2、精度保持性   精度保持性主要是由导轨的耐磨性决定的,它与导轨的摩擦性质、导轨和材料、工艺方法以及受力情况等...

/show-21212.html 2013-04-25

300. 德国红点设计大奖 经典系列家居

... upholstered piece of furniture are ergonomically adjustable for the first time - from sitting to lying position. The SyncLink function offers individual motorised adjustments for the head, back, thigh and foot sections. The motors equipped with four sensors are monitored by intelligent microprocess...

/show-1052.html 2011-05-16