...又消解在其它物质中。 Appreciation towards Pascal Grasso Architectures for providing the following description: [page] Program : Designing a duplex showroom Location : 34, Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Paris 8e, France Architect : Pascal Grasso Architectures Client : ...
/show-11302.html 2011-05-30
...sp; 文字:Sam 编辑:马海金 图片:Rafael Viñoly Architects 有关建筑 建筑规划为一个改良版的新月形状,整个实体环绕着D形十八世纪公园。周边的坡地沿着场地原有地形向上延伸,行道的尽头是一个...
/show-16873.html 2011-11-04
...士学位。1991年在首尔设立金孝晚建筑师事务所(IROJE KHM Architects),现任该所主持建筑师,韩国京畿道高等建筑学院教授。 时至今日,金孝晚已完成百余件作品,曾多次获得亚洲建筑奖等多项荣誉。主要住宅代表作品:...
/show-3758.html 2011-01-15
... shapes and partial or widespread effects present new options for creative architects and designers. 三、Saima Design Wood Flooring red dot red dot award: product design 2009 Saima is a wood flooring that reflects light in a specific way generated by the wood properties...
/show-1570.html 2011-05-16
...p;…近期又被国际联盟IFI(International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers) 认可为当代杰出住宅设计师。他的作品结合了创意,专业知识,细节的完美追求,和人性化理念于一身,让内部装饰具亲切感。 北京,2009ANDREW MARTIN全球...
/show-859.html 2010-03-24
...其对土地的影响尽可能地减至最小。Peter Gluck and Partners, Architects为伊利诺伊客户设计的玻璃墙房屋,包括一个篮球场、健身房、游泳池、车库以及接待区——尽管这些设施大部分都巧妙地潜伏于倾斜的地形内而远离视野范...
/show-21172.html 2013-04-23
...ational activities, all causing environmental repercussions. The landscape architect was instrumental in helping the client achieve his vision by synthesizing aspects of sustainability, ecotourism, conservation and education. The project goes beyond the aspects of ecotourism. The National Geographic...
/show-9037.html 2011-05-16
...设施,但绝不包括那些体育设施。 相比之下,由Hopkins Architects设计的2012伦敦奥运会自行车场馆是充分考虑到绿色与可持续性发展的案例。譬如,建筑上部所使用的小尺寸红雪松木材可提供更为顺畅的通风条件,而在奥运会和残...
/show-10157.html 2011-04-18
...革命:1980年以来的中国建筑》 (Building a Revolution: Chinese Architecture since 1980,香港大学出版社,2006)可望部分缓解这一局面。该书关于中国当代建筑师的论述丰富详尽,薛博士系统地考察了中国各代建筑师中的领军人物及其作品...
/show-15601.html 2011-09-19
... El Museo del Acero Horno by Surfacedesign Inc. Landscape Architect: Surfacedesign Inc. + Harari Landscape Architecture Architecture: Nicholas Grimshaw Location: Monterey, Mexico Year of Completion: 2009 Text: Surfacedesign Photos: Paul Riveria / Archphoto Abigail Guzman Tame...
/show-11565.html 2011-07-15