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231. 欧特克推出Android版AutoCAD WS

...件的领导者欧特克有限公司(“欧特克”或“Autodesk”)近日宣布推出面向Android平台的AutoCAD WS移动应用程序。AutoCAD WS是一款基于云计算技术的免费网络和移动应用程序,支持欧特克软件用户通过Web浏览器和移动设备...

/show-18814.html 2011-11-23

232. 法国Naco设计事务所设计广州Mouton Cadet酒吧

    Traveling Experience旅行的邀请——广州Mouton Cadet酒吧 文:Chocolate  设计:法国Naco设计事务所      The Mouton Cadet bar is an invitation to travel. The design concept tells a story Journey and shows the brand international dimens...

/show-16758.html 2011-11-04

233. 澳大利亚:绿色广场项目

...兴起,这就是万众瞩目的“绿色广场”(GREEN SQUARE TOWN CENTRE)——全澳洲有史以来最大的市区重建工程。根据悉尼政府的规划图, 这个累计耗资高达17亿澳元、坐落于城市轻轨旁的新兴的现代居民区将成为可以使得5500...

/show-22013.html 2014-04-17

234. 洛杉矶车展与2005“最佳洛杉矶车展车型”

  在洛杉矶车展(2005 Greater Los Angeles Auto Show,2005年1月7~15日面向公众开放)上,由11家汽车厂商的设计工作室参与举办的设计大赛“Design Los Angeles”于第二个新闻发布日—2005年1月6日发表了评选结果。这11家厂商均...

/show-9004.html 2011-03-29

235. 常用外贸术语大全

...orthAmerica EastboundRate B组 BAF 燃油附加费 Bunker AdjustmentFactor BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。 B/L 海运提单 Bill of Lading B/R 买价 Buying Rate C组(主要运费已付) CFR 成本加运费(……指定目的港) CFR...

/show-8360.html 2011-03-21

236. 阿里巴巴深圳大厦建筑设计概念方案公开竞赛

... and boulevard is the inner bay park and F1 Rowing Venue with agreeable ecotope and landscape. The transportation here is very convenient with the metro line 2, Bin Hai Boulevard, Line to Western Shenzhen and etc. The land is divided into 2 pieces---N-06\N-07 by a branch of the planning road. Lan...

/show-11323.html 2011-06-02

237. 国际级塑料橡胶工业展倡导绿色环保 3,528 个回收瓶化身「再生树」图创健力士纪录

...位活动赞助商,包括绿色伙伴海天国际控股有限公司、Automatik Plastics Machinery GmbH、塑料瓶赞助单位广州市万绿达集团有限公司、设计师利志荣先生及设计协调单位广州美术学院,让他们将树苗挂于「再生树」上,正式启动这个健...

/show-18857.html 2011-11-23

238. G#228;dinger Architect设计Otto Bock大厦

    动态立方——Otto Bock大厦    Dynamic Cube  文:Cheryl   编辑:南雪倩 设计:Gnädinger Architect     Since the summer 2009 thousands of visitors are attracted to the OTTO BOCK health care exhibition centre in Berlin. Th...

/show-16767.html 2011-11-04

239. Eckertharms Architekten/Ienarchitekten设计绿色学校

.../Innenarchitekten       The green school was projected to raise people's awareness of the meaning of the biological variety and the importance of their sustainment. This project is a prototype of an educational institution that turns the attention especially on young people. &nb...

/show-16761.html 2011-11-04

240. Atelier Brückner设计宝马博物馆

...n 设计:Atelier Brückner     The new BMW Museum had to be integrated into the existing structural fabric of the group headquarters in Munich. Here, trend-setting architecture already had had a presence in 1973 with the “Museum Bowl” by the Viennese architect Karl S...

/show-16768.html 2011-11-04