...进入“2010红点奖作品展”专题 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 德国Ch04 houdini扶手椅和靠背椅,这张凳子椅背和面板的胶合技术,有点类似美国顶尖斯坦威三角钢琴的侧身版的胶合技术。它是整木压弯的,有...
/show-10459.html 2011-05-16
...xplore new structures and forms of garden rooms led us daily through the design and construction of this great project. [page] At any given time there will be approximately 120 trees on view, subject to an exhibition schedule which will present ‘theme viewings’ focuse...
/show-11567.html 2011-07-15
...吧! 一、Chillap 3-in-1 Armchair red dot red dot award: product design 2008 The Chillap occasional chair of the Kamasitra collection offers three well-conceived and pleasing functions: the 360-degree rotating, multifunctional armchair allows to change the desired perspective at any...
/show-1046.html 2011-05-16
...产品设计类获奖作品 USB Clip Memory Stick red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 制造商 Freecom技术/ Scopetime GmbH,德国 Firmly clipped – a form for attaching data They are a necessary answer to the sheer bulk of data in our times. The first memory ...
/show-10386.html 2011-05-16
...; 特色:建筑、室内一体化的整体资源调制 China-designer:从2010年金堂奖开始,您所设计的办公空间类作品多次在这个奖项上取得优异的成绩,您认为您所设计的办公空间有些什么“与众不同”呢?您认为您的风格...
/show-21040.html 2013-03-27
china-designer:我们都知道您在设计圈一直是非常活跃,很多样板间/售楼处的作品都广受好评,您认为样板间设计和普通住宅设计不同的地方在哪里?做好一个样板间项目的设计最关键要抓住哪些要点? 能否拿您的一个代表作品...
/show-6292.html 2011-01-24
/show-16506.html 2011-11-01
...在咖啡的浓浓香味萦绕中,访谈就这样开始。 China-designer:Raymond您好,很高兴能有这样的机会,对您做一个专访。大家都知道,随着国内酒店行业的迅速发展,酒店设计师们的事业发展也迎来了春天,那么您作为知名的酒...
/show-21009.html 2013-03-19
China-Designer:请跟我们china-deisgner的朋友简单介绍下您自己。 张晓莹:china-deisgner的朋友大家好我是成都的张晓莹,也是香港多维设计公司的总监,刚刚加入大木联盟的平台。身边很多人都觉得我不象设计师,更像是营销策划方...
/show-16401.html 2011-10-26
/show-16469.html 2011-11-01