...内设计师Tony Chi先生主持室内设计。该酒店位于被纽约《TIME》杂志评为“世界十大新建筑奇迹”的住宅社区当代MOMA中,是一个全新的、着眼于未来的酒店品牌,北京BC酒店和公寓是全球首个传递这种独特概念的品牌。Bc酒...
/show-19132.html 2011-11-23
...手续费用。其公式大致如下: 票面金额×(LIBOR 利差)÷360×远期天数 (什么叫做LIBOR?这指的是银行间的拆借率,这个汇率只在银行间内部交易中有效,它公布于世界金融中心和世界集中型...
/show-3825.html 2010-06-29
...提示后对方立即付款,又称见票即付汇票。 远期汇票(time bill,usance bill)是在出票一定期限后或特定日期付款。在远期汇票中,记载一定的日期为到期日,于到期日付款的,为定期汇票,记载于出票日后一定期间付款的,为计...
/show-2320.html 2010-05-13
...and form, the luggage conveys an individual sense of style and at the same time protects the belongings of its user from impact and damage – a seashell serving as a symbol for the lasting durability of both form and material. Cosmolite贝壳行李箱 从这一款贝壳形状的行李箱中...
/show-10399.html 2011-05-16
...p; 取天然之材,做工精细,品质上乘。 From ancient times wood and its natural shape has been a place of refuge and inspiration forming the basis for the design of this solid wood flooring. Each individual plank retains the original curvature of the tree. This is achieved by a...
/show-1255.html 2011-05-16
...ymbol. It has been used for domestic objects and furniture since ancient times. When sitting on a bamboo chair, one can feel the craft that has been handed down for generations and sense the marvellous texture of nature. Bamboo Cell is a stool with bamboo legs and a polyester resin se...
/show-10638.html 2011-05-20
/show-20825.html 2013-01-21
...是按价格从低到高列举的一些花岗石和大理石,600毫米×600毫米的标准板材,其价位在每平方米100元以内的有:安溪红、罗源红、泉州白、珍珠花、五莲花、中花、海沦白、溪东红、厦门红、永安红等。 每平方米价位在...
/show-777.html 2010-05-10
/show-21097.html 2013-04-12
/show-2293.html 2011-01-14