red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best
A travelling seashell
It is an expression of personal style, and as a way of transporting individual items, it has a manifold symbolic significance – the choice of a piece of luggage and what is being stored in it tells a lot about its user. Perhaps that is the reason why luggage also plays an equally central role in film and literature. For instance the suitcase in the famous movie “Pulp Fiction” by director Quentin Tarantino, who never lets the viewer know what is inside an important suitcase. The design of the Cosmolite collection communicates a new form of aesthetics for luggage, challenging beholders and their imagination with its unusual language of form. This luggage collection features a design of eye-catching ridges that run along the sides and taper towards the bottom, giving the body of the luggage the appearance of a glimmering seashell. Inspired by nature itself, the shell form has a homogeneous and highly organic appearance, and is part of a sophisticated and well-balanced design concept that is achieved through innovative Curv® technology. This technique of woven layering made from Curv®, is one of the most durable materials available today. This material is used as the basis for the shell-like form of this collection to achieve Samsonite’s lightest and strongest luggage collection ever. Due to the robust material and its functional design, the luggage collection can withstand both heavy travel usage and the stress and strain encountered at airports and train stations. With its innovative symbiosis of material and form, the luggage conveys an individual sense of style and at the same time protects the belongings of its user from impact and damage – a seashell serving as a symbol for the lasting durability of both form and material.
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