2010红点获奖作品 现代简约风格的竹凳
red dot award: product design 2010,red dot
Bamboo is a traditional material of the East, and is often recognised as a cultural symbol. It has
been used for domestic objects and furniture since ancient times. When sitting on a bamboo
chair, one can feel the craft that has been handed down for generations and sense the
marvellous texture of nature.
Bamboo Cell is a stool with bamboo legs and a polyester resin seat, into which the legs have
been set along with and a number of bamboo rings. The design of the seat is suggestive of the
densely packed cells of a piece of bamboo, which are evident when the plant is viewed under a
microscope. The hollowness of the legs is expressed on the seat, and this feature also makes the
stool easy to grab and pick up. The pattern of bamboo pieces enhances the strength of the
moulded resin. The stool could easily be mass-produced, but each specimen would be unique.
Bamboo Cell No.2 uses bamboo in a manner that differs greatly from traditional crafts. The form
and texture of bamboo is featured on the surface of the seat. The slices of hollow bamboo stalks
used to make the seat allow the user to appreciate the inner fibre of bamboo while sitting. The
bamboo fibre can be clearly seen on the surface. The arrangement of stalks has the look of plant
cells under a microscope. The use of modern polyester resin as a moulding material makes the
bamboo stand out, and differentiates this bench from furniture made with traditional crafting
processes. The contrast of material allows bamboo to be viewed from a different perspective, and
also strengthens the surface.
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