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11. 天然石材有哪些分类?

...te)、石灰石(Limestone)、大理石(Marble)、砂岩(Quartz-based)、板石(Slate)及其它石材六大类。 一.花岗石(Granite) 定义:颗粒状火成岩,颜色通常从粉红到浅灰或深灰,主要由是石英和长石,

/ask/show-18.html 2010-07-27

12. LED花灯 营造温馨的家

...[page] It is a basic flower shape with clean over all structure. It is based on the natural, organic shape of the flower. The center contains LED lights, which illuminate the flower and defines the edges, giving a peaceful and serene feeling. fLoW.P is meant to be displayed in the home. [pa...

/show-11336.html 2011-06-02

13. Gle Howells的伦敦Printworks住宅楼竣工

...首批项目之一。 9层楼的建筑高30米,开发商是First Base公司。它有164套房屋,其中三分之一是可支付住房。 住宅楼的后部建造了一座景观庭院,为居民提供了宁静的绿色空间。

/show-17849.html 2011-11-16

14. 跳舞的花瓶 Dancing Vases

...可以咯~ [page] The ‘Dancing Vases’ is a series of vases based on the shape and movement of a spinning top. The vases show the process of a spinning top which first rotates fast, then starts to stagger and finally hits the ground. [page] As if they are frozen in their movemen...

/show-11340.html 2011-06-02

15. 设计师热点问题答疑解惑:石材的规格、工艺和分类

...、石灰石(Limestone)、大理石(Marble)、石英岩(Quartz-based)、板石(Slate)及其它石材六大类。   活动详情请关注:石材体验网特别策划—《315专家在线,让设计师更懂石材》   http://www.stonexp.com/bbs/thread-8459-1-1.htm...

/show-8973.html 2011-03-28

16. 奥斯陆国际学校

..., of an institution, of a building.” Vigsnaes, principal at the Oslo-based Jarmund/Vigsnaes, is speaking of his firm's renovation of and additions to the Oslo International School, a private comprehensive school located in the Oslo suburb of Bekkestua.         &nbs...

/show-16740.html 2011-11-04

17. 设计师热点问题答疑解惑:石材该怎么去分类和应用?

...、石灰石(Limestone)、大理石(Marble)、石英岩(Quartz-based)、板石(Slate)及其它石材六大类。   对于石材的应用一般都是用作建筑工程,例如一些建筑的外墙,酒店的室内地面和墙面等,近几年随着人们经济水平的提高...

/show-8984.html 2011-03-28

18. Groninge博物馆 系列新空间新创意

...物馆因此增加了一系列新的空间,这些空间由 Antwerp-based Studio Job, 西班牙设计师Jaime Hayon 和Maarten Baas 完成,并与2010年12月18日正式开放。此前1994年开放的的博物馆及其空间由意大利 Alessandro Mendini 和Philippe Starck, Michele de L...

/show-11299.html 2011-05-30

19. 石材古典柱式组成部分名称解释

...典柱式主要包括: 柱头-----Capital 柱身-----Shaft 柱基-----Base 延伸开还包括: Stylobate---底座,柱座下的基石 frieze---柱子正面中间的带装装饰。 Architrave---线脚,柱顶梁上靠近柱头的带装装饰。 Cornice---飞檐,柱子最顶端的装...

/show-8090.html 2011-03-15

20. BMCE银行 优雅的建筑设计欣赏

...s wrapped by a traditional, energy efficient envelope and their design is based on a modular system, which utilises local materials and craftsmanship to create a striking new emblem for BMCE.   The design follows a ‘kit-of-parts’ approach, with variations in colour and scale a...

/show-9338.html 2011-04-01