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1. 瑞士Gotthard Base隧道创造新的里程碑世界建筑

几天前,在建造Gotthard Base隧道中,一座3000吨的钻头穿过了阿尔卑斯山岩层的最后几米。这发生在隧道的57公里处、9.5米宽的地方。这条隧道是世界上最长的火车隧道,比原先的世界纪录保持者&mdashmdash;日本的...

/show-18135.html 2011-11-16

2. Sairi&#39 The Base销售中心

...泰国知名设计公司Supermachine所设计的销售中心Sansiri's The Base,以其独特的外观效果吸引人们的注意。事实上,该公司在很长一段时间内都致力于研究如何将建筑的表皮设计变成一个简单又系统的设计程式,从而改善建筑外立面,...

/show-16879.html 2011-11-04

3. 德国红点设计大奖 新颖别样生活用品

...hance this impression. A highly interesting solution are the scissors plus base: highly consistent in their individual forms, these two elements blend into a unity so that the scissors, which rest well in the hand, seem to formally flow into the shape of the base. A Japanese Samurai Tanto sword serv...

/show-1227.html 2011-05-16

4. 美国ASTM天然石材分类标准

...te)、石灰石(Limestone)、大理石(Marble)、砂岩(Quartz-based)、板石(Slate)及其它石材六大类,(详情见ASTM C119标准)。   一.花岗石(Granite)   定义:颗粒状火成岩,颜色通常从粉红到浅灰或深灰,主要由是石英和...

/show-600.html 2012-06-06

5. 2010红点获奖作品 德国Batou CS装饰布料

... the effect as if one was looking through a venetian blind. This effect is based on a sophisticated and well thought-out design. The pattern of this decoration fabric is created by a soft bulk thread in the weft and, held in place by the slightly “raised” warp threads on one side, drawn ...

/show-10456.html 2011-05-16

6. 经济金融术语汉英对照表 (E~G)

...egation of financial business (services); division of business scope based on the type of financial institutions   风险暴露(风险敞口) risk exposure   风险管理 risk management   风险意识 risk awareness   风险资本比例 risk-weighted capital ratios ...

/show-4295.html 2010-07-16

7. 上海玻璃博物馆 室内设计部分赏析

...ed, designed and supervised by COORDINATION ASIA. COO ASIA is a Shanghai-based design consultancy specialized in museums and retail design under the direction of the german architect Tilman Thuermer. For the graphic design COO cooperated with Jacquesetbrigitte an illustrator couple from Switze...

/show-11496.html 2011-07-11

8. 天然石材与古老树木的公园 瑞士景观建筑欣赏

...ext to the brand new headquarters for Enea Garden Design designed by Miami based Oppenheim Architecture + Design .   The museum includes 50 different species on the site of a 14th century monastery, some of them 130 years old. These have been collected by Enzo himself for the past 17 year...

/show-11567.html 2011-07-15

9. 美国ASTM对天然石材进行标准分类及规范

...te)、石灰石(Limestone)、大理石(Marble)、砂岩(Quartz-based)、板石(Slate)及其它石材六大类,(详情见ASTMC119标准)。     一.花岗石(Granite)     定义:颗粒状火成岩,颜色通常从粉红到浅灰或深...

/show-4143.html 2010-12-30

10. 天然石材的分类(美国材料试验协会)

...te)、石灰石(Limestone)、大理石(Marble)、砂岩(Quartz-based)、板石(Slate)及其它石材六大类。        一.花岗石(Granite)        定义:颗粒状火成岩,颜色通常从粉红到浅灰或深灰,主要...

/show-1683.html 2011-05-17