2010红点获奖作品 德国Batou CS装饰布料
red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best
Batou CS装饰布料可以用来做窗帘或者空间分隔帘。它有着明亮透明的质感和清晰的条纹图案,当阳光透射过这款布料的时候,它看起来就像是一块软百叶窗帘。在透明底料的衬托下,它的网状条纹图案显得颇有浮式雕花般的质感。这块装饰布料能随着光线的不同而改变光和影的深度,让你的房子产生一种三维空间的感觉。
Dimensions of the hidden
Fabrics have the power to inspire their users, firing up their imagination. As a kind of boundary to the outer world they can create mysterious spaces. A world that is hidden, as is denoted in the French word for venetian blind: “jalousie”, a word which also connotes “jealousy”, because originally it referred to the protective screens used in Oriental harems. The Batou CS decoration fabric skilfully reflects and picks up on fascination for the hidden, revealing only part of what it covers and hides: when the sun shines through this light transparent weave with its clear graphic pattern, it creates the effect as if one was looking through a venetian blind. This effect is based on a sophisticated and well thought-out design. The pattern of this decoration fabric is created by a soft bulk thread in the weft and, held in place by the slightly “raised” warp threads on one side, drawn together elegantly like a slightly embossed loose network over the hidden yet delicately transparent base. Draped within a room this decoration fabric has a strong three-dimensional effect and, depending on the light source, with changing depths of light and shadow. These features and the fact that it can be railroaded allow the Batou CS decoration fabric to be used in many different interior and arrangement settings. With its elementary aesthetics and architectural quality it reflects the need of our time for clearness and transparency – while its delicate design creates a new dimension of the hidden.
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