“History,” observes architect H??kon Vigsnaes, “is important for an architect: the history of a place, of an institution, of a building.” Vigsnaes, principal at the Oslo-based Jarmund/Vigsnaes, is speaking of his firm's renovation of and additions to the Oslo International School, a private comprehensive school located in the Oslo suburb of Bekkestua.
建筑师Vigsnaes 认为,“对于一个建筑师而言,历史至关重要,不论是一个地区的历史,一个机构的历史,或仅仅是一个建筑物的历史”, Vigsnaes 在他的设计实践中也一直遵循着这一原则。
在繁荣经济的刺激下,挪威衍生出很多新的文化和公共建筑,如斯诺赫塔国家歌剧院,而Vigsnaes 和他的合作伙伴Jarmund 认为,现有建筑的维护和整修是一种更重要的文化传承。
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