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101. VoltaDom / Skylar Tibbits

  Appreciation towards Skylar Tibbits for providing the following description:   [page] 这是Skylar Tibbits为麻省理工(MIT)150周年校庆和FAST艺术节所作的作品:VoltaDom。安装在校内55楼,56楼之间的走廊上。玻璃与混凝土组成数以百计拱...

/show-11335.html 2011-06-02

102. 亲自然——Close to you

编辑:沈艳婕   文:澄 设计:大匀国际空间设计、MOGA太舍馆 摄影:duo-image柏达双影         大匀国际空间设计联合建言建筑、翰祥景观于2010年底竣工完毕的三亚香水君澜别墅,坐拥独特的背山面海...

/show-16862.html 2011-11-04

103. 墨西哥at 103 Francisco Pardo建筑师事务所 – Julio Amezcua设计里

    This project is able to identify a series of design variables that allow the housing to gain value through time, and allow it to form a part of the existing social fabric. Architects developed a dense building that is designed by cutting the maximum density allowed into six volume...

/show-16742.html 2011-11-04

104. 手工创意椅子设计 Rough&Ready Seating / Vanja Bazdulj

...然眼前的斑斓与顽皮,有趣的座位,共三款。 Appreciation towards Vanja Bazdulj for providing the following description:     Rough & Ready is an experimental furniture morphology inspired by exploring the potentials of the imperfect, human, unpredictable, the unfinis...

/show-9343.html 2011-04-02

105. 让人流连忘返的疗养院 Rehabilitation Centre Groot Klimmendaal

...n between trees. From a small footprint, the building gradually fans out towards the top and cantilevers out over the surrounding terrain. Despite its size, the brown-golden anodised aluminium facade allows the nearly 14.000sqm building to blend in with its natural surroundings. Full height gl...

/show-9337.html 2011-04-20

106. 国银-民生金融大厦 建筑设计方案国际竞赛

双塔奇缘(The Two Towers)——国银-民生金融大厦 建筑设计方案国际竞赛 竞赛公告 Notice for the International Schematic Design Competition of The Two Towers ---- CDB Tower and Minsheng Financial Tower 一、项目概述General Information 项目名称:双...

/show-11376.html 2011-06-13

107. 德国红点设计大奖 传统古朴与时尚简约的碰撞

...egant upholstery fabrics permit different design options for individual customer specifications.  二、Lox Bar Stool red dot red dot award: product design 2009 Lox invitingly seems to ask the guest to take a seat. A stable base carries the flowing forms of seat and footrest and is si...

/show-1034.html 2011-05-16

108. 德国红点设计大奖 创意地板装饰

...of jointless and directionless flatness. From a close view the floor seems to be dynamic; the whole surface, however, appears to be calm, clear and well regulated. The available colour spectrum ranges from subdued tinges of grey to lively and accentuated colours.  二、DLW Linoleum Collect...

/show-1573.html 2011-05-16

109. 外贸技巧 如何面对客户的讨价还价、拒绝和投诉

... THEY GIVE YOU LOW PRICE FOR SIMILAR PRICE, BUT OUR PRODUCT IS DIFFERENT TO THEIRS 。接着讲下,公司的产品特色,售后服务等的优势。然后说很遗憾,我们的产品跟你要求的价格相差太远,不过我们还有些便宜的产品(介绍些特价,库存品给他...

/show-2125.html 2010-05-06

110. 2010红点获奖作品 丹麦Velux太阳隧道

...ented as a God-like figure. In Chinese legends, for instance, we find the story of the sun god Shen Yi. When the earth was scorched by the heat of ten suns, he shot down nine with a bow and arrow to save the world. In Greek-Roman mythology we have Apollo who is the god of light and possesses the gif...

/show-10454.html 2011-05-16