Appreciation towards Vanja Bazdulj for providing the following description:
Rough & Ready is an experimental furniture morphology inspired by exploring the potentials of the
imperfect, human, unpredictable, the unfinished `finish` look aesthetics and independence in work
process. Object designs are focused on exploring ambiguous forms, materials out of context and a
playful approach to making. All material is prepared by hand, making each piece a unique version.
All Rough&Ready models can be altered according to client wishes and needs, be it in scale or
colors. Feeling playful?
After finishing the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2008 and working for a year
and a half as an architect, Vanja decided to explore and experiment on a smaller scale, working
hands on and designing furniture objects. This led her to do a MA in Furniture design at The Cass,
London in 2009/2010, where she is currently a Designer in Residence and is continuing her work.
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