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Appreciation towards Skylar Tibbits for providing the following description:

这是Skylar Tibbits为麻省理工(MIT)150周年校庆和FAST艺术节所作的作品:VoltaDom。安装在校内55楼,56楼之间的走廊上。玻璃与混凝土组成数以百计拱肋结构物,这拱形天花板就像历史悠久的教堂。材料的厚度不一致,光能不同程度的穿透其,并反映在对周围环境的影响上。
VoltaDom试图拓展建筑概念“surface panel”的定义,通过强化双曲拱顶面的深度(极限),并保持相对容易的制造及组装。这也归功于将复杂表面由其它许多简单的面组合而成。
VoltaDom, by Skylar Tibbits- for MIT's 150th Anniversary Celebration & FAST Arts Festival (Festival of Arts, Science and
Technology) - an installation that populates the corridor spanning building 56 & 66 on MIT's campus.  This installation
lines the concrete and glass hallway with hundreds of vaults, reminiscent of the great vaulted ceilings of historic cathedrals. 
The vaults provide a thickened surface articulation and a spectrum of oculi that penetrate the hallway and surrounding area
with views and light.  VoltaDom attempts to expand the notion of the architectural "surface panel," by intensifying the depth
of a doubly-curved vaulted surface, while maintaining relative ease in assembly and fabrication.  This is made possible by
transforming complex curved vaults to developable strips, one that likens the assembly to that of simply rolling a strip of
Many thanks to our wonderful sponsors:
Quadrant EPP - Kress Schwartz
Philips, Color Kinetics - Fernando Matho & John Warwick
This installation would not have been possible without the amazing
support from: Tod Machover, Meejin Yoon, Paul Kassabian, Meg Rotzel,
Melissa Murphy, Leila Kinney and the rest of the 150 FAST committee,
Adele Santos, Nader Tehrani, Paul Murphy, Jim Harrington, Daniela
Stoudenkova, Susanne Seitinger, Nick Gelpi, Joel Lamere, Cristina
Parreno, Filip Tejchman, John Difrancesco, Tom Lutz, Veronica Emig,
Jared Laucks, Dina and Jim McFalls.
A special thanks to all of the students for their amazing dedication
and hardwork on design, prototyping and assembly: Andrew Manto,
Toshiro Ihara, May Hwang, Jaeyual Lee, Richard Ong, Nick Polansky,
Erioseto Hendranata, Daniela Covarrubias, Karina Silvester, James
Coleman, Moe Amaya, Daniel Rosenberg, Duks Koschitz, Song-Ching Tai,
Jeff Lin, Ari Kardasis...
MORE:Skylar Tibbits