...2, 工作照明灯 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 制造商:Sonlux GmbH,德国 内部设计:Sonlux GmbH,德国 这一款超强光照的荧光灯,提供夜班工作者白昼般的照明环境。它有着简洁和外观和上乘的质量。它的组成元件...
/show-10452.html 2011-05-16
Country of Origin: Brazil This granite originates in the state of Bahia, located in the central coastal region of Brazil. The deep, vibrant blues present in this material are rarely found in natural stone. "Azul" translates to "blue" in the Portuguese. The deep blue contrasted with whites and...
/show-688.html 2010-03-22
...室内外均可用。 Appreciation towards Moises Hernandez for providing the following description: [page] Year: 2010 Category:Stool Material: Corian® Inspired in birds’ flight, where the seat represents the body of the bird and the legs the bird wings that are moving. It i...
/show-11303.html 2011-05-30
...in Zellige (traditional ceramic tiling) [page] The first regional headquarters branches for Moroccan bank, BMCE (Banque Marocaine du Commerce Exterieur) have opened in Rabat and Casablanca, with a further branch in Fez due to complete shortly – they are the first ...
/show-9338.html 2011-04-01
...ee designs by three designers including Mathieu Lehanneur and nendo under the art direction of designer Fabio Novembre showcased the artistry of venerable Czech Bohemian glass maker Lasvit's glassblowers. We were assigned the abstract theme 'cocoon', and asked to create work that would di...
/show-11503.html 2011-07-11
...baba’s Branch Building Project in Shenzhen Project Introduction: The project is located in the Land N-06\N-07 of the CBD of Shenzhen Nanshan Houhai District. Its north side is Deng Liang Road; south is a planning road. There is Central River and open space between its west and the centra...
/show-11323.html 2011-06-02
核心提示:苏黎世的The Dolder Grand hotel自1899年开业一个世纪以来,一直是欧洲奢华酒店的象征,但经过多次修葺后门庭已大不如前。这次酒店更是耗资达四亿美元来全面翻新.... 苏黎世的The Dolder Grand hotel自1899年开业...
/show-13810.html 2011-08-26
...对文化的亲切感,也是业主格调品位的良好表达 The wood texture and its atmosphere is the theme through this house, which also showcases the master's culture and taste.From the facades to the interior decoration, chamber is the dominant material in the space, which is also ...
/show-11358.html 2011-06-16
...,给人以舒适地感觉。 Ahrend 800 table system red dot: best of the best red dot award: product design 2007 Designed flexibility The office is changing. “Offices are looking more and more like living rooms and people also increasingly work on c...
/show-1241.html 2011-05-16
点击进入知名设计公司Munge Leung专题介绍 The OrangeRoom is the brightest professional Yoga and Pilates centre in Shanghai Gubei / Hong Qiao area. We are a team of teachers originating from Canada, Hong Kong, Germany and Taiwan. We strive to ...The OrangeRoom is the brightest profession...
/show-11263.html 2011-06-07