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The OrangeRoom is the brightest professional Yoga and Pilates centre in Shanghai Gubei / Hong Qiao area. We are a team of teachers originating from Canada, Hong Kong, Germany and Taiwan. We strive to ...The OrangeRoom is the brightest professional Yoga and Pilates centre in Shanghai Gubei / Hong Qiao area. We are a team of teachers originating from Canada, Hong Kong, Germany and Taiwan. We strive to provide a place where people of all sizes and shapes can feel accomplished and cherished practicing their Yoga and/or Pilates. We see our members as our friends and we are much encouraged that this feeling resonates with many of them.In our spacious studios we offer Yoga classes from beginner to advanced levels, Pre-natal Yoga as well as Mat Pilates classes for all levels. Mat Pilates is very effective for releasing recurring back pain and toning the tummy and ab area. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners, and with its effectiveness in improving body movement and posture, it is highly recommended for teenagers.
OrangeRoom专业瑜伽和普拉提中心设在上海古北/虹桥。我们是加拿大,香港,德国和台湾原产教师队伍。我们力争到... OrangeRoom是最优秀的专业瑜伽老师。我们致力提供一个让所有的大小和形状的人可以感受到完成练习瑜伽,珍视和/或普拉提的地方。
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