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1. 首届北京国际设计三年展策展团队

...ull;拉比(Fiona Raby) 英国皇家艺术学院高级研究员 Due &am Raby工作室合伙人,策展人 安东尼ull;邓恩(Anthony Due) 英国皇家艺术学院教授、交互设计系主任 Due &am Raby工作室合伙人,策展人 金江波(J...

/show-18915.html 2011-11-23

2. 2010红点奖办公用品类 Diffrient办公椅2

... this chair thus delivers a highly individualised experience for the user. Due to its mesh backrest the Diffrient World office chair gains an appearance of transparency and lightness; the shell features a harmonious design with clear radii that invite users in a friendly manner to sit down in comfor...

/show-10482.html 2011-05-16

3. 德国红点设计大奖 别样地板装饰

...ed by a pressure-resistant substrate. The system is versatile and rollable due to its structure. In natural carpets rippling and bulging due to sewing tension or changes in form are excluded. 本文由石材体验网独家翻译,转载请注明来源  

/show-1261.html 2011-05-16

4. 德国红点设计大奖 经典系列家居

...design. The self-supporting frame structure is divided into five segments. Due to this structure all parameters of an upholstered piece of furniture are ergonomically adjustable for the first time - from sitting to lying position. The SyncLink function offers individual motorised adjustments for the...

/show-1052.html 2011-05-16

5. 国外石材大板欣赏6

  Country of Origin: Italy The large, subtly-colored flakes scattered on this black background make Black Beauty granite one of our most unique stones. This is one of the premier black granites due to its unusual variation.

/show-691.html 2010-03-22

6. 石材外贸价格英语基本单位

...的人民币结算,美圆也可以。 Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations? 您是不是怕由于汇率浮动而吃亏?   Words and Phrases Hongkong Dollar (HK$) 港元 Singapore Dollar (S$) 新加坡元 Pound Sterling (Stg.) 英镑 United States...

/show-8318.html 2011-03-18

7. 科学的魅力——收音机牙齿(Audio Tooth Implant)

...展人菲奥娜ull;拉比(Fiona Raby)&am 安东尼ull;邓恩(Anthony Due)提供。

/show-19310.html 2011-11-23

8. 假如花园中的植物可以唱歌,那会是什么样?

...展人菲奥娜ull;拉比(Fiona Raby)&am 安东尼ull;邓恩(Anthony Due)提供。

/show-19393.html 2011-11-23

9. 常见的石材外贸价格英语基本单位

...的人民币结算,美圆也可以。 Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations? 您是不是怕由于汇率浮动而吃亏?   Words and Phrases Hongkong Dollar (HK$) 港元 Singapore Dollar (S$) 新加坡元 Pound Sterling (Stg.) 英镑 United States...

/show-2268.html 2010-05-12

10. 2010红点获奖作品 Juwel Novaplus Evolution Rotary Clothes Dryer

...the dryer is easy to install in the garden without concrete – where, due to a helical shaped grounding tube, it withstands all kinds of weather conditions. As if bestowing its users with magic abilities, the design of this product thus embodies a new and almost exhilarating lightness. :这款...

/show-10404.html 2011-05-16