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71. 2010红点获奖作品 德国CBNes 6256双开门冰箱

..., and the high-quality impression is enhanced by the use of innovative LED lighting technology. Meant for daily use, this well thought-out design is taken up in the freezer drawers, which are mounted on telescopic rails and thus open and close very easily. The user panel featuring the MagicEye contr...

/show-10405.html 2011-05-16

72. 2010红点获奖作品 空气倍增无叶风扇

...ease is further enhanced by the possibility of tilting the fan with only a light touch and precisely adjusting and directing the cooling stream of air to where it is needed – a fan that looks like an airy object of the imagination and which, at the same time, embodies a new archetype of its pr...

/show-10408.html 2011-05-16

73. Geler 设计Nokia Club

...力的设计,使之成为洛杉矶市乃至该地区的娱乐中心。 Light 光     建筑的室内几乎摒弃了所有的看起来不可控,且单调随意的自然光线,在光线几近封闭的状态下利用灯光设计,在空间上展开拓展。在这里,光线起...

/show-16802.html 2011-11-04

74. IADC涞澳设计公司设计武汉才茂街厂区改建项目

...一个空间中相呼应,既相互冲突又相互和谐。      Light光     一侧的立面大玻璃幕墙是大厅光线的最大来源,同时高高的格子长条窗被安置在大空间侧面墙体的最顶端,太阳光线经过多次折射投到室内,与墙面...

/show-16785.html 2011-11-04

75. 5月北京设计师沙龙——发现光的价值

Light can change everything! 光线可以改变生活空间,良好的光线应用能令空间呈现更强的艺术感和宜居性,设计光就是在设计空间。Interior Design 将于5月9日在Artkey 798 举行设计师沙龙,共同讨论在低碳、绿色节能的环境下,如...

/show-17142.html 2011-11-07

76. 石材品种中日文对照

...ラシコ   浅啡网   エンペラドールライト   Emperador Light G444 西丽红 西麗紅     七彩啡   ブルーアンティーク     G678 中国小松       橄榄绿   オリーブグリーン     印度M-13   印度ベルガム     GB4 ...

/show-8362.html 2011-03-23

77. 德国红点设计大奖 创意地板装饰

...s the DLW Collection covers the whole range. With differentiated shades of lightness in cool and warm nuances the palette of grey/black tones is particularly extensive.  三、Beige & Brown Stroken Tiles red dot red dot award: product design 2009     Beige & Brown represen...

/show-1573.html 2011-05-16

78. 德国红点设计大奖 另类地板装饰

...egance at an advanced level of manufacture. The structured surface creates light and shadow effects – Karibu produces both a lively and peaceful atmosphere in the room.  本文由石材体验网独家翻译,转载请注明来源  

/show-1255.html 2011-05-16

79. 2010红点奖办公用品类 挪威Tandberg performance mic 20 麦克风

...articipants, were important design considerations. This microphone is very light and comes in a square aluminium housing, lending it an elegant yet unobtrusive appearance when placed on a table. A wave-shaped design element however makes its function unambiguously clear: it picks up the sound of spo...

/show-10483.html 2011-05-16

80. zaha hadid:伦敦奥运会水上运动中心项目完工

...: robert-jan van santen aociates (里尔) 灯光设计: arup lighting (伦敦) 厨房设计: winton nightingale (伦敦n) 维修通路: reef (伦敦) 临时结构: edwin shirley staging (伦敦) 安全顾问: arup security (伦敦...

/show-19272.html 2011-11-23