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71. 2010红点获奖作品 Honda EU 30i Generator 2 (本田EU 30i发电机2)

...s gap in supply. The Honda EU 30i is such a device, with an innovative and highly compact design of well thought-out and user-friendly functionality. Due to its fully sealed plastic body this generator is conveniently quiet. The material is robust and assures a low weight of just 35 kg. Featuring bi...

/show-10403.html 2011-05-16

72. 沙特采购商接受青岛国际石材展展报采访

...growing fastly in building field, we need a lot of building materials with high quality and low price,so we focus on China.      记者:这次来具体采购的物料是什么? Sofia: What specific materials you would like to purchase this time?      ...

/show-3541.html 2011-01-12

73. 德国红点设计大奖 唯美造型家居

... distribution of forces ensures a solid connection and an end product with high load-bearing capacity.  五、Library Shelf System honourable mention red dot award: product design 2009   “Library” is a modular object shelf of a timeless minimalist design language that r...

/show-1040.html 2011-05-16

74. 石材外贸 英语课堂 10段商务英语电话报价经典对话

...A: We were developing too much waste . B: I suggest you go up to our next higher price level. A:上回订的货用起来不怎么顺。 B:有什么问题吗? A:生产出来的废品太多了。 B:我建议您采用我们价格再高一级的货 (6) A: Did the material work out well for you ? ...

/show-3670.html 2010-06-24

75. 墓园中的咖啡馆 石材玻璃的经典工程

...ed by Kerto panels, which also bear largeformat panes of glass; these are highly reflective to give the mourners the necessary intimacy. During the day, the pavilion interlaces with the surrounding greenery, which is extended by its reflection in the glass façade. This effect is reversed ...

/show-11566.html 2011-07-15

76. 揭密伯瓷七星级酒店 奢华绝伦之建筑

...以上网,墙上挂的画则全是真迹。   给大家感受最high的,应当是雄霸25楼及以上楼层的皇家套房,装饰典雅辉煌,顶级装修和搜罗自世界各地的摆设,如同皇宫一样气派,家具是镀金的,有私家电梯、私家电影院、旋转睡...

/show-9382.html 2011-04-06

77. BMCE银行 优雅的建筑设计欣赏

...on traditional Islamic patterns.   The branches are designed to be highly energy efficient and use locally-sourced materials, such as black granite and grey limestone. All BMCE flagship branches feature an ‘earth tube’, an electricityfree cooling system: fresh air is drawn into...

/show-9338.html 2011-04-01

78. 西班牙最新名建筑 大都市阳伞 Metropol Parasol

... great variety of activities such as memory, leisure  and commerce. A highly developed infrastructure helps to activate the square, making it an attractive destination for tourists and locals alike.   The "Metropol Parasol“ scheme with its impressive timber structures offers an...

/show-9321.html 2011-04-03

79. 参加广交会 您的英语准备好了吗

... ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs. By the way, which items are you interested in? 我们的产品质量与其他生产商一样的好,而我们的价格却不象他们的那样高。哎,你对哪个产品感兴趣? You can rest assur...

/show-1956.html 2010-04-27

80. 深圳宝安碧海片区商业岛、商务岛城市设计国际咨询公告

...al island and business island to be built up attract concentrated colorful high-end services in Eastern Pearl River Economic Development Area and western axis of Shenzhen’s urban development. The significance of Commercial Island and Business Island is highlighted. 碧海片区目前为高...

/show-5037.html 2011-01-14