...结果也是表示为mg cm-2。 天然石材的吸水率(Water Absorption) 什么是吸水率? 天然石材并不是介质,其组织结构中有存在空隙,所以会吸收水分。其是指在一定温度条件下,天然石材浸泡在水中...
/show-20150.html 2012-10-29
...”等。 音乐喷泉控制采用国际水准音乐计算机(Water芭蕾)高新技术系统,设备(灯光、泵、阀、电机、变频器)与音乐信号能够做到精确同步,喷泉水型随音乐的旋律而变换,使音乐内涵通过水型的变化得到完美表现...
/show-18068.html 2011-11-16
...材的异物。 吸水率 (water absorption) 用所吸水的岩石质量与干燥岩石质量之比来表示。 压缩强度 (compressive strength) 试件承受单向压缩力而破...
/show-22006.html 2014-04-10
/show-18165.html 2011-11-16
/show-18151.html 2011-11-16
...用部分的消耗外,每套客房的含金量至少也有几十斤。 Water In the Desert 水贵于油 [page] 对于一个沙漠之城,水比黄金要金贵得多,而在伯瓷酒店里却看不到一点缺水的困窘。金龙头下哗哗流水,遍处丰盈的绿色植物,透过露...
/show-10432.html 2011-06-14
...刻划、磨蚀、切削或压入表面的能力。 5.8 吸水率 water absorption 用所吸水的岩石质量与干燥岩石质量之比来表示。 5.9 耐磨性 abrasion resistance 饰面石材的耐磨性能,以规定条件下干燥岩石单位面积的磨耗量表...
/show-2648.html 2010-05-22
... thunderstorm this year and many major roads were blocked due to collected water, the salon still attracted many designers coming. INVISTA, as one of the largest integrated fibers and polymers companies around the world released in the salon the 2011 color trend through profeional industry...
/show-18950.html 2011-11-23
...hitecture, besides being atial, is also musical. That music is played with water. The importance of walls is that they isolate one from the street’s exterior ace. The street is aggreive, even hostile: walls create silence. From that silence you can play with water as music. Afterwards, that music ...
/show-15979.html 2011-10-24
... building’s tropical location and intended to bring imagery of the water and sky of Miami Beach into the performance hall. [page] Acoustics: An intimate space, the performance hall is designed to support everything from solo recitals to concerts by the New World Symphony’s full ...
/show-10760.html 2011-05-09