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41. 德国红点设计大奖 创意造型家居系列

...n 2008   Evocative inclined castor Long passed is the era of bulky wall-mounted furniture systems and squeaky cabinet units. Today’s furniture is an expression of a global lifestyle and, thus, sophisticated functionality plays a central role. Details such as castors are at the heart of...

/show-1043.html 2011-05-16

42. 炫酷或经典 达拉斯艺术区的旋律

...本身和支持它的体系。像舞台布景的台口墙,(proscenium wall)能够自动升高和下降。舞台地板也能够消失和重新出现。几排楼座能够按照多种形式和需要进行布置。 7、“威利剧院”前厅。 [page] 采取这些工程措施的...

/show-10747.html 2011-05-09

43. 艺术性仓库17C 西班牙建筑欣赏

...ximum rawness. In a voluntary manner, we chose to preserve the cuts on the walls, the same kind of cuts a radial saw does. Exposed, PVC drain pipes are more interesting. With the withdrawal of revoke, marks made by the backhoe originate unexpected textures. Here, cork isolations appear like a ...

/show-11402.html 2011-06-16

44. 1980年普利策建筑奖获奖得者:刘易斯·巴拉干

...atial, is also musical. That music is played with water. The importance of walls is that they isolate one from the street’s exterior ace. The street is aggreive, even hostile: walls create silence. From that silence you can play with water as music. Afterwards, that music surrounds us.”--Bar...

/show-15979.html 2011-10-24

45. 德国红点设计大奖 经典系列家居

...which conceals complex construction details within. The steel pipes have a wall thickness of only 1 mm and are assembled without visible welding seams. The pulling tension of approx. 800 kg is taken up by the backrest and the front clasp. The backrest and seating surface are made of weatherproof and...

/show-1052.html 2011-05-16

46. 欧美国家推崇再生建筑保留城市历史文化

...宝,得以重见天日。   著名的美国纽约华尔街(Wall Street),直译是“城墙街”之意,它得名于荷兰人1652年在当地(当时叫“新阿姆斯特丹”)建立的要塞工程。那座墙是荷兰式的土墙,市中心还有一座堡垒专门...

/show-19351.html 2011-11-23

47. 行业标准 建筑装饰装修职业技能标准

...筑装饰装修施工人员。 2.0.13 幕墙制作工(Curtain [Wall] Fabricator)   进行幕墙制作并进行日常维修的建筑装饰装修施工人员。 2.0.14   幕墙安装工(Curtain [Wall] Installer) 使用手工工具或机具,对各类幕墙进...

/show-3135.html 2010-06-08