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41. 悬崖上的住宅设计 日本东京住宅

...the site which is approximately 4.5m×16m foot print. By building a big roof with almost the same inclination of the site we tried to control the sight. The space under the eaves protects the house from sights and lead ones eyes to the cliff. Small trees are taken into the interior by the ...

/show-11401.html 2011-06-16

42. 2010红点获奖作品 Honda EU 30i Generator 2 (本田EU 30i发电机2)

.... The material is robust and assures a low weight of just 35 kg. Featuring big wheels and an ergonomic carry handle that folds into its side, this generator is very easy to manoeuvre and allows comfortable loading and transportation. Providing intuitive operability, the device is easy to maintain an...

/show-10403.html 2011-05-16

43. 上海后滩公园夺得世界最佳景观奖

...筑节景观奖的项目包括:     澳大利亚巨岩码头(Big Rock jetty Edward Szewczyk and Associates Architects      新加坡Dhoby Ghaut绿地,SCDA Architects Pte. Ltd.     西班牙Llobregat河环境修复工程,Batlle & Roig Architects     黎...

/show-5278.html 2010-12-08

44. 丹麦小美人鱼功成中国满誉而归

...“城市,让生活更美好”演绎为考量。 丹麦馆由BIG建筑师事务所、2+1创意和奥雅纳工程顾问公司共同开发。 丹麦参加2010年上海世博会的预算是1亿5000万丹麦克朗,是迄今为止丹麦参与历届世博会投资最多的一届。丹麦经...

/show-18388.html 2011-11-22

45. 2010年第22届沙特国际建筑及建材博览会

...月22日-11月25日   2010年中东迪拜五大行业建材展览BIG5   中国官方指定代理:杭州励创展览有限公司 Hangzhou Crechan Exhibition Co.,Ltd 杭州文三路553号,浙江中小企业大厦2105,2107室 联系人: 王小姐 Tel:+86 571 81020607 Fax:+86...

/show-2597.html 2010-05-20

46. 2011日本东京国际建材展览会 建筑专业展览会

展会地址:日本东京有明国际展览中心 (Tokyo Big Sight)   展览时间:2011.09.28 至 2011.09.30   参展范围:   门窗及装饰五金:五金、重型货架、挂钩及悬挂装置、壁架、栏杆、扶手、家具五金配件等;自动门、铝制门窗、通...

/show-10722.html 2011-05-09

47. 石材中英文对译——S篇

...红 Sally Rosa 灰红根 Salmone G640 Salt &Pepper G641 Salt&Pepper/Big Flower 莎玛米黄 Sama Beige 金茂蓝 Samantha Blue 巴西白麻 Samba White 森巴黄 Samba Yellow 香槟金麻 Samoa 旧金山绿 San Francisco Green 树挂冰花 San Louis 鲁班米黄 Sanam 三宝...

/show-4942.html 2010-08-24

48. In Norway, Outside Norway 挪威之内,挪威之外

文:Ingerid Helsing Alma For Norway, a big country with few people, where nature is already tightly entwined with culture, both as an active element and as an image, Framptorsquo call is particularly stirring. Norway has the resource and the experience to addre nature differently, and architectur...

/show-18372.html 2011-11-22

49. 德国红点设计大奖 时尚简约家居

...his makes the table very variable, a small black table transforming into a big red table in just a few steps or vice versa. Different designs of frames, tabletops or surfaces are available. 五、Ottoman-Stool Omega red dot red dot award: product design 2004     OMEGA is a moder...

/show-1139.html 2011-05-16

50. 建筑创作原点与过程/MASTERS at WORK

...many publications regarding architecture in China; coffee table books with big, glossy photographs featuring the latest architectural works and their makers. Although the quality of the printing is indeed exceptional and the photographs nice to look at, their content is way too general and they give...

/show-15589.html 2011-09-19