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41. 悬崖上的住宅设计 日本东京住宅

...into consider the sites from the mid rise building closely packed at the base of the cliff. So we decided to set the house on the flat part of the site which is approximately 4.5m×16m foot print. By building a big roof with almost the same inclination of the site we tried to control the ...

/show-11401.html 2011-06-16

42. 石材行业国家标准编号三

... Standard Specification for Quartz-Based Dimension Stone ASTM C 568-2003 ...

/show-666.html 2010-04-19

43. 2010红点获奖作品 创维Skyworth ACP 42E11 LED Bckelight TV

...und box can be disconnected from the screen: when hanging on the wall, the base can be set apart as an independent speaker, thus allowing it to be used according to individual preferences. Furthermore, the television invites users to emotionally relate to it as it seemingly reacts to its environment...

/show-10397.html 2011-05-16

44. 德国红点设计大奖 唯美造型家居

...ting elemental forms from a cube. The cylindrical section removed from the base of the back provides space for comfort and room for garments. The double depth of the back offers good suspension and support and is visually and haptically inviting.  二、Don Corleone Lounge Sofa honourable men...

/show-1040.html 2011-05-16

45. 希腊柱与罗马柱的区别

...径为一个单位,按照一定的比例原则,计算出包括柱础(Base)、柱身(shaft)和柱头(Capital)的整个柱子的尺寸,更进一步计算出包括基座(Stylobate)和山花(Pediment)的建筑各部分尺寸。 柱式包括古希腊的三个柱式和古罗...

/show-21252.html 2013-05-07

46. 2014“设想未来”设计比赛的获奖项目

...sh; Nalanda 大学校园– 一等奖 OPEN Architecture – Ocean Base – 二等奖 Shahida Sharmin –国家艺术与技术研究所– 三等奖   机构建筑 Biome Environments Pvt Ltd – Sai Prashanthi 学校 – 一等奖 Paulo Gaston Flores Arquite...

/show-22159.html 2014-07-21

47. 德国红点设计大奖2009年创意家居系列二

...flexible cold-moulded polyurethane, the upholstery in fabric and the cover base in heat-moulded polyurethane.    二、Blofield red dot red dot award: product design 2009   Blofield is an air-filled sofa that retains the look and properties of an authentic Chesterfield. As it...

/show-1023.html 2011-05-16

48. 石材行业国家标准编号十

...de to the structural design of trafficked pavements constructed on a bound base using concrete paving flags and natural stone slabs BS EN ISO 21227-2-2007 ...

/show-659.html 2010-04-19

49. 石材业国家标准编号2

...de to the structural design of trafficked pavements constructed on a bound base using concrete paving flags and natural stone slabs BS EN ISO 21227-2-2007 ...

/show-9039.html 2011-03-29

50. 德国红点设计大奖 精致室内装饰

...in a chessboard pattern or without following any specific overall pattern. Based on an innovative bio-mimicry design, the flat-weave microtuft tiles allow for a so-called “natural patterning” in that the individual carpet modules are laid out at random. Individual elements can thus be ea...

/show-1570.html 2011-05-16