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31. 意大花绿

...口大理石 | Imported Marble 产地:意大利 | Italy 底色:绿色 | Green 纹路颜色:绿色 | Green 花草样式:其他 | Other 使用领域:室内高档装饰.构件.台面板.洗手盆 | Indoor high-grade adornment. Components. A panel. Lavabo 岩石特征:白线根.墨绿色大理石(...

/show-20872.html 2013-01-28

32. 石材中英文对译——Y篇

...名 阳江红 YangJiang Red 燕山兰 Yanshan Blue 燕山绿 Yanshan Green 燕山红 Yanshan Red 燕山黄 Yanshan Yellow 雅士米黄 Yashi Cream 黄蝴蝶 Yellow Butterfly 丁香黄 Yellow Clover 黄水晶 Yellow Crystal 宁德金沙黄 Yellow Golden Sands Of Ningde 黄灰木...

/show-4944.html 2010-08-24

33. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-F

...)-F [ F ] 梵格宙绿 Verde Mergozzo [ F ] 梵格祖绿 Mergozzo Green [ F ] 梵舍威图灰 Moncervetto [ F ] 非洲黑 Zimbabwe [ F ] 啡红根 Café Rosita [ F ] 啡红麻 Derby Brown [ F ] 啡网纹 Emperador 或 Emperador Dark [ F ] 啡钻 Baltic Brown 或 Baltic Brown...

/show-8489.html 2011-03-23

34. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-Y

...光石 Moon Light [ Y ] 玉玛瑙 Verde Veneziano [ Y ] 玉花岗 Palm Green [ Y ] 英国棕 English Brown [ Y ] 印度棕 Tan Brown [ Y ] 印度象牙红 Indian Jup. Ivory [ Y ] 印度桃木石 New Mahgany [ Y ] 印度浅绿 Verde Affait (Light) [ Y ] 印度蓝 Orion Blue [ Y ] ...

/show-8518.html 2011-03-23

35. 石材中英文对译——R篇

中文名 英文名 热带雨林绿 Rain Forest Green 莱茵布红(彩虹) Rainbow 斑彩玉 Rainbow Jade 彩虹砂石 Rainbow Sandstone 燕山蓝 Rainforest Blue 丽莎红 Raisa 梦幻米黄 Ramsis Cream 浪泽红 Ranza Green G684 Raven Black 金丝麻(至尊金麻) Raw Silk ...

/show-4941.html 2010-08-24

36. 钢铁博物馆 Museum of Steel

...f on-site materials  with ecological restoration through the use of green technologies.   All of the storm water runoff within the site’s boundaries is treated in a series of on-site treatment runnels. These surround the exhibition areas and reinterpret the former industrial canals ...

/show-11565.html 2011-07-15

37. Eckertharms Architekten/Ienarchitekten设计绿色学校

    绿色学校 Green School 文:Dale   编辑:南雪倩  设计: Eckertharms Architekten/Innenarchitekten       The green school was projected to raise people's awareness of the meaning of the biological variety and the importance of their sustainmen...

/show-16761.html 2011-11-04

38. 国外石材大板欣赏

Country of Origin: Italy The swirling pattern of Amadeus gives this stone instant recognition. Dark blue is shot through with mint green veins and accented by a purple-red fleck.  

/show-678.html 2010-03-22

39. 国外石材大板欣赏2

...gin: Brazil This granite features neutral shades of beige and desaturated green. The subtle veining creates interest without overpowering the overall design. Avocato would be the perfect stone for clients who wish to create a more unified color scheme, rather than setting the granite apart as a foc...

/show-687.html 2010-03-22

40. 国外石材大板欣赏14

  Country of Origin: Brazil Patterned more like marble than granite; veining of green, wine red and white bolts are in a sea of chocolate brown.

/show-699.html 2010-03-22