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1. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-Z

...花白 Bianco Carrara Venato [ Z ] 中花 Middle Flower [ Z ] 中国红 China Red [ Z ] 中国黑 China Black [ Z ] 中东米黄 Botticino White [ Z ] 芝麻白 Sesame White [ Z ] 珍珠灰 Gran Perla [ Z ] 紫绿晶 FOREST GREEN [ Z ] 紫绿晶 FOREST GREEN

/show-8519.html 2011-03-23

2. 天然石材名称英语词汇总汇

... Perla 芝麻白 Sesame White 中东米黄 Botticino White 中国黑 China Black 中国红 China Red 中花 Middle Flower 中花白 Bianco Carrara Venato 仲夏红 Summer Red 仲夏黄 Summer Yellow 紫彩麻 Paradiso 紫点金麻 Topazic Imperial 紫丁香 African Lilac 紫...

/show-200.html 2010-04-09

3. 重新解读:时代的标志 2011北京设计师沙龙活动

... organized by INVISTA and Tuntex Group and co-organized by Interior Design China magazine, was succefully held in "Zuquot; Club on the night of June 23th in Beijing Worker#39; Stadium. Although Beijing' traffic almost came to a standstill because of the biggest thunderstorm this year and many maj...

/show-18950.html 2011-11-23

4. “40把椅子”国际设计师作品邀请展(三)

... 。和北京的几个电子音乐party厂牌合作:中国打起工厂(china pump factory)、电轨(Exectro~ Beijing)Funky groove ,设计Party现场装饰至今。 2004年 非典结束,考虑后,卖掉了所有的商店和酒吧。开始专业从事室内空间的设计工作,并...

/show-14152.html 2011-08-31

5. 深圳宝安碧海片区商业岛、商务岛城市设计国际咨询公告

...d management office of center area Baoan District, Shenzhen Bank: Bank of China Shenzhen Baoan Branch Account number: 811508684408092001 (2) 咨询方案设计补偿费 设计成果通过评审委员会技术审核,达到设计咨询文件要求但未中选的设计方案,每家将获得...

/show-5037.html 2011-01-14