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31. 深圳市宝安中心区滨海地带城市设计国际招标公告

...gn units of interest in accordance with specified time should register and get the bidding related material according to the designated time and address . 报名条件: Registration qualification : ■ 国内外知名规划及城市设计类优秀设计机构。 ①境内投标人须具备&ldq...

/show-19542.html 2012-03-08

32. 美国著名建筑设计师访谈 克雷格 哈特曼

...f Christianity. The spare rigor of modern architecture was the best way to get there. (To be continued) 光可以被看做是上帝存在的具体体现,事实上圣经故事也说上帝首先创造了光。我希望通过这座教堂能消除人们很多世纪以来对宗教建筑的传统印象...

/show-10564.html 2011-04-27

33. 迫庆一郎:灾区春风中日友好小学的捐建需要社会爱心援助

...仪式举行的照片,请查看: http://www.china-designer.com/news2/Get/jiayuandt/jiayuandongtai/120055563.htm 08年11月8日迫庆一郎在春风中日友好小学(原名:春溢小学)与小朋友欢乐的时光: 孩子因为迫庆一郎的到来都快乐的手舞足蹈 看...

/show-16429.html 2011-10-26

34. 专访MAD建筑事务所实习生及作品赏析 乌苏拉凯泽

...styles. – That’s very interesting! Besides I have managed to get some perspective on Chinese culture. What are your thoughts and feelings upon Chinese Architecture and the environment? Any suggestion? The Chinese architecture is very interesting. China has old buildings that hav...

/show-9411.html 2011-04-06

35. 外贸英语 报盘与还盘必须要会的英语

...p;You'll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere.     你会发现我们的报价比别处要便宜。     This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.     此报盘着眼...

/show-2961.html 2010-06-02

36. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:(TRID)总体规划

...rawings look simple, yet are very hard to derive. We hope  this does get implemented. This is very relevant to urban aspects for cities that have lost populations. This capitalizes on the infrastructure that cities offer.To increase the density of Philadelphia is important. You have to dream....

/show-9033.html 2011-05-16

37. 建筑创作原点与过程/MASTERS at WORK

...dvocating that foreign offices are much better than local ones and that by getting a well-known architect to do the work would help put China onto the architectural map. These prejudices against local talent have raised antipathy from the public who in turn do not know anything about these foreign a...

/show-15589.html 2011-09-19

38. 25位全球顶尖室内设计师访谈 直击大师手笔

...   Study and absorb the good things that you see and then put them together in your own way. It has all been done before but, your way is the newest. ——Mario Buatta(研究、吸收你能看到的好设计,最终变成自己的。过去的都是旧的,只有你自己的才是...

/show-11878.html 2011-08-15