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31. 外贸英语课堂 外贸订单英语会话实例

...传达给Black先生。    B: Good. Would you mind telling him that due to some sudden changes, do not fill out any orders for NNC Corporation until further notice? It’s very important. I’ll explain later. 那就好,你可以告诉他,由于意外变化,在进一步 通知 之...

/show-1979.html 2010-04-28

32. 德国红点设计大奖 创意造型家居系列

...es it work; on the contrary, the wheel is boldly revealed to the onlooker. Due to its shape, the Schrägrolle, which is available in two different sizes and models, embodies an excitingly new definition for this type of product. It combines an independent form of its own with a functionality tha...

/show-1043.html 2011-05-16

33. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:A Cradle to Cradle Inspired

...y as the most significant environmental threat followed by sea-level rise due to climate change.     Key social data were collected/analyzed and method: • Historic and cultural context of the unique Dutch polder and cultural landscape—to understand application of the ...

/show-9031.html 2011-05-16

34. 德国红点设计大奖 创意实用办公用品

... wooden shaft. The Colorstripe is a very interesting coloured pencil that, due to its design, reinterprets the established principle of such pencils. The unusual appearance of this three-sided pencil is attributable to the coloured lead being visible on the outside, embedded into the shaft using a n...

/show-1239.html 2011-05-16

35. 为争论而设计 Design for Debate

作者:安东尼ull;邓恩(Anthony Due) 菲奥娜ull;拉比(Fiona Raby) 翻译:李馨 刊载于《装饰》2011年6月号 随着生物技术及其它先进技术走出实验室、走进市场,探索新兴技术的文化、社会和伦理问题成为越来越必要...

/show-18932.html 2011-11-23

36. 重新解读:时代的标志 2011北京设计师沙龙活动

...se of the biggest thunderstorm this year and many major roads were blocked due to collected water, the salon still attracted many designers coming. INVISTA, as one of the largest integrated fibers and polymers companies around the world released in the salon the 2011 color trend through pr...

/show-18950.html 2011-11-23

37. 专访MAD建筑事务所实习生及作品赏析 乌苏拉凯泽

... is flexible, and has a stabile surface. The pipes are hollow cylinders, due to their geometry are stabile and light, and joined together they create a stabile, light surface that resembles and finds parallels with our environment e.g. mushrooms, leaves and stems. The following experiment was ...

/show-9411.html 2011-04-06

38. Archdaily带您零距离接触日本建筑师藤本壮介

... basic (I've designed architecture that is very simple but looks complex due to its geometric form). 无定形的形式? 空间是一种关系。建筑产生多方面的距离感。 我很乐于看到建筑作为某种介乎公共与私密之间的场所存在,里面人与人之间可以有...

/show-9127.html 2011-03-30

39. 建筑创作原点与过程/MASTERS at WORK

...n pursuit of a unique design and then the design intentions can be changed due to site requirements during the construction phase. During the process of the design, architects will remain in consultation and conflict with a wide segment array of people. This illustrates the changes in thinking metho...

/show-15589.html 2011-09-19

40. 深圳市宝安中心区滨海地带城市设计国际招标公告

...力和魅力是宝安中心区滨海地带规划建设的重要课题。 Due to a important role the coastal district construction plays in urban development, how to reshape the city image and improve urban vitality and charm by making full use of the resources and the location advantage, is the ne...

/show-19542.html 2012-03-08