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21. 建筑大师伯纳德·屈米作品--竹语

...boo: one is a folding partition that expands from a central node to create walls and corridors; the other is a curving partition that unrolls from a cylindrical column to create sinuous screens. These systems provide the apartment's residents with the flexibility to design their space according to c...

/show-4798.html 2010-08-12

22. 德国红点设计大奖 非凡创意室内装修

... feature is the decorative panels for the side windows. The panels protect walls and furniture from direct radiant heat and create evocative shadow figures on the walls. In order to give the experience of true open fire, the wood-burning stove has been designed with large glass sides – giving ...

/show-1220.html 2011-05-16

23. 伯纳德·屈米(BERNARD TSCHUMI):“竹语”作品

...boo: one is a folding partition that expands from a central node to create walls and corridors; the other is a curving partition that unrolls from a cylindrical column to create sinuous screens. These systems provide the apartment's residents with the flexibility to design their space according to c...

/show-15229.html 2011-09-08

24. 拉马特甘幼儿园 ramat gan kindergarten

...ence.   The design is essentially circumferential. All the interior walls are lines with bookcases and cupboards, whereas the center is occupied by movable seating and reclining areas. The logical arrangement is the result of observations performed by the designer on site and a fruitful di...

/show-11339.html 2011-06-02

25. 走进建筑名师 朱锫

...《domus》、《Architectural Review》、《Architectural Record》、《Wall Paper》《Blue Print》、《Interni》、《A+U》等世界著名杂志。[page]   主要作品目录:   2004,数字北京大厦   2005,华京大厦酒店改造(木棉花酒店)   2006,蔡...

/show-4722.html 2010-08-09

26. 美国威尔逊室内建筑设计公司 澳门MGM酒店

...p; 而酒店接待处就以色彩斑斓的“Fiori di Paradiso Drawing Wall”为巨型背景,52块鲜艳夺目的玻璃画幕墙通通出自他的手笔。另外这里亦设有全球仅两间的艺术家Chihuly的玻璃艺术品店,当然精巧、高贵的艺术品价格不菲。  ...

/show-11708.html 2011-08-08

27. 长城脚下的公社之十二:“家具屋”别墅设计

...;  1994年 MDS画廊    1995年 窗帘墙屋(Curtain Wall House)    1995年 家具屋(Furniture House)    1996年 纸屋(Paper House)    2000年 二000年汉诺威建筑展日本馆    2000年 获柏林艺术...

/show-15265.html 2011-09-08

28. 德国红点设计大奖家居作品欣赏

...to be used as a free-standing room divider or as a traditional against-the-wall unit. The shelf also comes in an alternative sideboard height. 三、Sideboard Fibre Cement ES1900 red dot red dot award: product design 2009   The form of the Sideboard Fibre Cement ES1900 combines an unobtru...

/show-1036.html 2011-05-16

29. 2010红点获奖作品 创维Skyworth ACP 42E11 LED Bckelight TV

...hat the sound box can be disconnected from the screen: when hanging on the wall, the base can be set apart as an independent speaker, thus allowing it to be used according to individual preferences. Furthermore, the television invites users to emotionally relate to it as it seemingly reacts to its e...

/show-10397.html 2011-05-16

30. 建筑间的缝隙中 完美存在的电梯设计

...ral logic and second, to an industrial language, in this sense, concrete walls have been form worked with sheet metal casing to provide them the mentioned industrial character. It is constructed in order to impregnate a sentimental relationship with the industrial language of the steel manufac...

/show-11399.html 2011-06-16