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21. 法国Naço设计事务所的红酒吧设计

...Franck have decided to mix vintage and industrial style. The center of the room is occupied with a U shaped bar. Its wooden counter highly contrats with the metallic aspect of the stools, the shelves, the kitchen utensils.        上海的西区本来就是一处安逸且...

/show-16756.html 2011-11-04


...厅。Prohibition酒吧坐落在27楼并设有一个观景台。The Living Room是一个现代化的休息室,提供免费无线网络连接和一个图书馆。 [page] [page] [page] [page] [page] [page] [page] [page] [page] ...

/show-11286.html 2011-06-07

23. 深圳宝鹰集团设计师参观环球LOFT展厅

...优势有了深入的了解之后,在创意展厅(UMGG•LOFT SHOW ROOM)品鉴了最珍稀、奇特、尊贵的顶级天然石材,并就海冰蓝和蓝海这两款石材在高端项目中的应用进行了深入的探讨和交流。   宝鹰集团企业背景 深圳市...

/show-19629.html 2012-08-21

24. 卡塔尔多哈W酒店设计欣赏

...套房和154间W公寓。酒店提供招牌式的W起居室体验(W Living Room experience)、烹饪大师 Jean-Georges Vongerichten 的 Spice Market 餐厅和 Market by Jean- Georges餐厅、招牌 Bliss SPA 水疗、池畔户外水烟吧 (shisha lounge)、香槟吧、会议空间以及奢华零售...

/show-8502.html 2011-03-23

25. 扎哈·哈迪德获得2011年“斯特灵奖”

...书馆和音乐室”(St. Patrick’s School Library and Music Room)。它的设计者是Coffey Architects建筑事务所。

/show-16570.html 2011-11-04

26. 堪称艺术品的室内设计 第五大道公寓

...t, hand-troweled, pewter-gray concrete continues seamlessly into the main room.   Once a dim warren of spaces, severed long ago from a larger unit, the apartment now breathes, open to light and views. Its 1,500 square feet, distilled to an essence, propose a quiet dialogue with the owners&...

/show-11502.html 2011-07-11

27. 世界顶级奢华酒店内部探秘

...还看到了随着光线起舞的灰尘。 The “Claic” double room   挂衣架:一楼楼道旁矗立着一个硕大的挂衣架,拗造型的样子可见铁艺功力不一般。   房间:只有28间,房间的梁和柱都是上百年的“老人”了,个别房间的天...

/show-13779.html 2011-08-26

28. 新加坡Khai House

...is, activity spaces are separated from service spaces by levels – bedrooms on the upper level, activity areas on ground level and servants’ quarters in the basement. The approach to spatial definition is most vigorously pursued at ground level, where there are spaces but with no trace...

/show-4837.html 2010-08-16

29. 蓝天组: 海恩堡马丁路德教堂

...积: 420 m2 anctuary for 50 people, community ace and ancillary rooms 总建筑面积: 289 m2 高度(板楼/ 会堂): 3,5 m 教堂高度: 6 m 屋顶高度: 10 m 长度: 25 m 钟楼高度: 20 m

/show-19282.html 2011-11-23

30. 拉马特甘幼儿园 ramat gan kindergarten

...d by an extensive vegetable garden. The building is divided into two classrooms for two age groups: a younger class for 1.5-2.5 year-olds, and an advanced class for 2.5-3.5 year-olds.   The kindergarten's location in an agricultural area, was a source of inspiration for its design, which u...

/show-11339.html 2011-06-02