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21. 2010红点奖办公用品类 Diffrient办公椅2

...ay between ergonomics, technology and material, this chair thus delivers a highly individualised experience for the user. Due to its mesh backrest the Diffrient World office chair gains an appearance of transparency and lightness; the shell features a harmonious design with clear radii that invite u...

/show-10482.html 2011-05-16

22. 2010红点奖办公用品类 挪威Tandberg performance mic 20 麦克风

... aspect in this kind of encounter is, however, that human communication is highly complex – nonverbal communication, such as minimal changes in voice pitch, is also important in such communication encounters as they often modify meaning. Against this backdrop the Performance Mic 20 is able to ...

/show-10483.html 2011-05-16

23. 国际贸易石材术语(四)

...橄榄石和辉石组成的深成超基性岩浆岩。 高级旅馆 (high–grade hotel) 具备星级条件的且设有空气调节系统的旅馆。 高级住宅 (high–grade residence) 建筑装修标准高和设有空气调节系统的住宅。 挂件 (anchor) 用以固定石...

/show-8327.html 2011-03-18

24. 2010红点获奖作品 Vanguard Alta Pro Tripod 2 鹰眼三角架2

... he had a keen sense of capturing both the right moment and atmospheres to highly fascinating effect and his black and white pictures are famous around the world. A good photograph requires time and patience, as well as good equipment that supports the photographer in every aspect of his endeavour. ...

/show-10398.html 2011-05-16

25. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 iPod shuffle

...ime is part of fundamental changes. The iPod shuffle is at the centre of a highly vivid music scene that for a long time has not listened exclusively to what the major labels have in their catalogues. Ranging from Lady Gaga to Gossip, contemporary music culture is manifold, and both stars and newcom...

/show-10388.html 2011-05-16

26. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

...erior: The main entrance of New World Center is set in a soaring, 80-foot-high glass curtain wall on the east façade, providing uninterrupted views of the skylit main atrium and the dramatic, tumbling forms of the interior spaces beyond. Created using glass with no iron content, the curt...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

27. 国外石材大板欣赏8

...quarried in the Brazilian coastal state of Bahia. This is an exquisite and highly-valued stone. The rare blue hues are primarily made up of fossilized carbon. We also carry this material in 2cm, as well as a variation of this stone with larger areas of white under the name Azul Bahia Wild.

/show-693.html 2010-03-22

28. 古典韵味 311-318 魅力霍尔本

该建筑位于Chancery Lane和High Holborn的交汇处。为了保持其古老建筑的风格,设计者将建筑的正面保持原貌,对其背面则要采取重建,用到了波特兰石,Bathstone和Pedras Salgadas花岗岩三种石材。该建筑气势恢宏,风格古典,韵味十足...

/show-1392.html 2010-04-09

29. 万圣节个性餐具齐上阵 小鬼们的饕餮盛宴


/show-13639.html 2011-08-26

30. 冰岛白玉

...领域:室内高档装饰.构件.台面板.洗手盆雕刻用料 | Indoor high-grade adornment. Components. A panel. Lavabo carving material 冰岛白玉-玉石是石材品种中较名贵的石材之一,它材质很细腻,透光效果好,润泽亮丽,自然通透。整体雅致如浩渺...

/show-20667.html 2013-01-28