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221. C18 Architekten BDA 设计St. Laurentius 乡村小教堂

... Architekten BDA 摄影:Brigida Gonzalez        The town centre of Hailfingen is characterised by simple, rural building structures. The situation “behind the church” features attractive open spaces.Our thoughts to shaping the structure are defined by analogies...

/show-16770.html 2011-11-04

222. 新加坡设计建筑 世界建筑节上获奖

...项的一年。 得奖的是新加坡最高组屋“达士岭”(The Piacle@Duxton)、滨海湾的螺旋桥(The Helix)、新加坡艺术学院(School of the Arts Singapore)以及印尼峇厘岛的豪华度假别墅Alila Villas Uluwatu。它们以创意思维及别具一格的建...

/show-18311.html 2011-11-16

223. 最有“女王范儿”的酒店

...特旗下久负盛名的明星酒店包括:费尔蒙班芙温泉酒店(The Fairmont Banff Springs)、伦敦沙威酒店(The Savoy, A Fairmont Hotel, in London,)、魁北克的费尔蒙芳提那克城堡酒店(Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac),以及纽约的广场酒店(The Plaza)。   ...

/show-3934.html 2010-07-01

224. 墨西哥at 103 Francisco Pardo建筑师事务所 – Julio Amezcua设计里

...; This project is able to identify a series of design variables that allow the housing to gain value through time, and allow it to form a part of the existing social fabric. Architects developed a dense building that is designed by cutting the maximum density allowed into six volumes. Each volume is...

/show-16742.html 2011-11-04

225. 世界建筑节新旧建筑奖TKTS售票亭 重建的杜菲神父广场

...新旧建筑奖 简介: 原 名 称:TKTS Booth Redevelopment of Father Duffy Square 零售商业建筑 占地面积:79平米 楼层面积:200平米 新的TKTS(百老汇)售票亭坐落在纽约时代广场的北端,一个的名叫Father Duffy 的三角形小广场上,正对着Duf...

/show-586.html 2010-03-17

226. 疗养胜地 巴厘岛度假酒店

COMO Shambhala Estate,Bali     The Estate是屡获殊荣的整全保健集团COMO Shambhala的旗舰度假村,集团由Christina Ong持有,于全球经营四间世界级COMO Shambhala Retreat避世度假村。     面积细小但充满活力的Ubud,被视为...

/show-4298.html 2011-01-12

227. 评英文近著《建造革命:1980年以来的中国建筑》

... "National Form" and Chinese Identity: Burden or Chance? Chapter Three The Impact of International Architecture and Future Trends Chapter Four Survival Strategies: Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou Chapter Five Urban Design as a Tool for Better Living Chapter Six Form Follows Polici...

/show-15601.html 2011-09-19

228. G#228;dinger Architect设计Otto Bock大厦

...辑:南雪倩 设计:Gnädinger Architect     Since the summer 2009 thousands of visitors are attracted to the OTTO BOCK health care exhibition centre in Berlin. The German firm Gnädinger Architect developed and finished a spectacular building for the worlds leading compa...

/show-16767.html 2011-11-04

229. 建筑观点之建筑大师赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)

...表了《我的自传》(An Autobiography)和《消失的城市》(The Disappearing City),这两本书广泛的影响了好几代建筑师。     赖特因没有接到设计工程而有些沮丧,在一段时间里,他和他的妻子一起在Taliesin创立了一个建筑...

/show-4787.html 2010-08-12

230. 北京格子间大厦

... Constructing Period : 2006.01-2008.07 Completion : 2008.07 Scale: the 1st basement,the 2nd floors Floor Area: 8,315 m2 设计单位:SAKO 建筑事务所

/show-405.html 2010-03-13