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191. 和谐城市:世界城市状况报告

...Urban Growth Patterns 1.2城市增长模式 1.3 Which Cities are Growing and Why 1.3城市增长的地域分布及其原因 1.4 Shrinking Cities 1.4 萎缩的城市 Part 2: SOCIAL HARMONY 第二部分:社会和谐 2.1 Why Urban Inequality Matters 2.1城市不平等为何至关重要 2....

/show-15617.html 2011-09-19

192. 世界建筑节办公建筑奖 汉堡Unileverhaus办公楼

... new urban developments in Europe. Directly on the banks of the Elbe River and close to the Elbphilharmonie, the building marks the end of an important axis between the city centre and HafenCity, neighbouring Hamburgs new attraction, the cruise ship terminal. ...

/show-584.html 2010-03-17

193. 隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所: 梼原木桥博物馆

  由日本隈研吾建筑事务所(kengo kuma and aociates)设计的“梼原木桥博物馆”(yusuhara wooden bridge museum)位于日本高知县。这个方案将日本传统美学与当代建筑语汇相结合,力求让建筑与周边自然景观和谐共处。 ...

/show-18965.html 2011-11-23

194. 福斯特和哈迪德在伦敦癌症中心设计竞赛中落败

在伦敦盖伊和圣托马斯(Guy&rsquo and St Thomarsquo;)医院癌症中心设计竞赛中,扎哈.哈迪德事务所和福斯特事务所进入了前9名,但在挑出6个入围名单时落败。这座癌症中心耗资1.2亿英镑,面积达1.25万平方米。 由RIBA主持的...

/show-17207.html 2011-11-07

195. 兰达办公桌设计 超实用的橡木桌子

...r providing the following description:      [page] The Landa desktop has a transverse channel for cables management. Its rear part hides two indepently opened panels allowing to keep work material and office tools tidied away, leaving the desktop always clear. There is also a disc...

/show-11305.html 2011-05-30

196. 世界建筑节文化奖南非马篷古布韦演出中心

...Mapungubwe Interpretation Centre is sited at the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe Rivers. The Mapungubwe National Park celebrates the site of an ancient civilization linked to the Great Zimbabwe trading culture in the context of a natural setting that re-establishes the indigenous fauna and flor...

/show-579.html 2010-03-17

197. Eastern Design Office设计私人住宅

    宝冢已扬起白帆 Mountais and Opening Home 文:sam 编辑:Sarah 设计:Eastern Design Office 摄影:Koichi Torimura        The outside (exterior) mountain is formed into a mound by piling up soil excavated from the slope.  The surface of the...

/show-16788.html 2011-11-04

198. 瑞典Harads树屋宾馆设计

... 地点:瑞典Harad   首席建筑师:Martin Videg?rd and Bolle Tham   合作者:Andreas Helgeon, Julia Gudiel Urbano, Mia Nygre   客户:Tree Hotel / Brittas Peionat, Britta Lindvall and Kent Lindvall   项目年份:2008-2010 ...

/show-18969.html 2011-11-23

199. 隈研吾赢得“敦提V&amA博物馆”设计竞争

隈研吾建筑事务所(Kengo Kuma and Aociates)战胜了另外5个参加决赛的对手,赢得了设计位于苏格兰敦提市的新的“维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆”(Victoria and Albert Museum)的工作。 在敦提钟街的阿伯泰大学图书馆的...

/show-18310.html 2011-11-16

200. 石材行业国家标准编号三

... Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortar, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings ...

/show-666.html 2010-04-19