所 在 地: 南非 -> -> 凌波河
设计单位: 南非约翰内斯堡 Peter Rich建筑事务所
原 名 称:Mapungubwe Interpretation Center
该文化中心位于两河流域的交汇之处,是由南非建筑师彼得里奇(Peter Rich)设计完成。在此次活动中,它获得了文化类别奖。多种多样的圆顶房间是主要的构成元素,构造及其重要的一点在于保护了该地区的历史,同时为游客们上了一堂本地生态课。当地居民有意制造用坚固的土磁砖建造房屋,并且,他们将在自己的村庄里延用这些建筑方法。
Mapungubwe Interpretation Centre is sited at the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe Rivers. The Mapungubwe National Park celebrates the site of an ancient civilization linked to the Great Zimbabwe trading culture in the context of a natural setting that re-establishes the indigenous fauna and flora of this region. The Interpretation Centre is set on the side of a mesa, formed from the dramatic geological events that resulted in the Limpopo River changing its course from flowing into the Atlantic Ocean to discha rging into the Indian Ocean.
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